We are a tipical pirans restaurant with a touch of italian and french influence, run by the chef Sergio Vuk and his familiy. He has 40 years of experience and his dishes are masterpieces of flavours and inventions.
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Opening Hours
- torek
- 11:00 - 22:00
- sreda
- 11:00 - 22:00
- četrtek
- 11:00 - 22:00
- petek
- 11:00 - 22:00
- sobota
- 11:00 - 22:00
- nedelja
- 11:00 - 16:00
facebook.comWhite chocolate Batch #50 imperial stout Tiramisu.
Fine Dining - Valentine's day Cena menija je: 50€ - 6 hodov + kozarec penine 35€ - 5 hodov Obvezna rezervacija na 00386 31 558 918 ali Prezzo del menu: 50€ - 6 portate + bicchiere di spumante 35€ - 5 portate Prenotazione obbligatoria al 0038631 558 918 o
Imamo še nekaj prostih miz za Novo Letno večerjo, VABLJENI ! Abbiamo ancora qualche tavolo libero per la cena di Capodanno, BENVENUTI !
Seabass and pomegranate
Tagliolini with shrimps and radicchio...
We are back! Welcome again! :)
Vabimo Vas na degustacijo istrskih sušijev, sardel v šavorju in najboljšega piva Reservoir Dogs v Monfortu v Portorožu od 15.00 do 03.00 ure. Veselimo se vaše prisotnosti in vas lepo pozdravljamo!
Saluto dalla cucina :) Crema di zucca, pancetta croccante. Pozdravcek iz kuhinje, bucna krema, hrustljava panceta. Benvenuti, Dobrodosli!
Don't miss the opportunity to come and try some of our food and some excellent beer from the beloved brewery of Reservoir Dogs brewery !
Za vse tiste, ki bi se radi razvajali doma z našim recptom Morske žabe "Hiša Tartini"...