Gonzaga Pro Furniture
Gonzaga is one of Slovenia's leading furniture manufacturers, offering an integrated seamless service, from an idea through production to installation. Gonzaga
Gonzaga was established in early 1998. From the very beginning our activities have been focused on the production of furniture and equipment for public institutions as well as enterprises. On the basis of this vision we developed an integrated service, which includes consultation, engineering and production of furnishings for offices, kindergartens, shcools, libraries, hotels and public urban spaces (playgrounds, parks and fitness trails). Integrating indigenous engineering with modern technology-assisted production, Gonzaga is able to manufacture furniture with a value and quality performance that satisfies even the most demanding customers.
With ongoing sales growth on the domestic market, Gonzaga is continually expanding internationally and today boasts a growing number of satisfied customers at home and abroad.
The growing demands of the global market are a welcome challenge for our company, and in order to respond to them we constantly develop new lines, modernize and introduce IT-supported production technology, and employ new personnel.
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facebook.comStackr by Cowerk cupboard system has proved to indeed have limitless possibilities of use ... during the 100% Design it became very popular as an impromptu meeting point or relaxing hangout spot ;)
It's the last day and last chance to visit us at the Slovenia Design stand at 100% Design!
Can you spot us? ;) 100% Design #sloveniadesign
The show has started! :) Come and see us at 100% Design
Are you in for a game of Pac-Man? Here is a short article about how fast businesses are changing today and how this is reflected in new types of office furniture. We are very excited to present some of our solutions for such changes at 100% Design fair in London, which starts tomorrow. We can't wait to meet you there!
It's Gonzaga's first time exhibiting at Maison & Objet and we are very happy with how it's all going. :) Only two days left to check out our products: Stonehenge, Stackr by COwerk and Vista. Igor Šepec, our export manager, is there and ready to help you. :) Gonzaga letos prvič razstavlja na sejmu Maison&Objet v Parizu in zelo smo zadovoljni z obiskom. :) Samo še dva dni do konca sejma, kjer si lahko ogledate naše produkte: Stonehenge, Stackr by COwerk in Vista. Igor, naš izvozni direktor, je tam in vam bo z veseljem pomagal. :)
A short article on how workplace design can boost productivity and innovation of the employees. Don't miss us at Maison & Objet and 100% Design where you will be able to see our solution to this question in person! Kratek članek o tem, kako lahko dizajn delovnega prostora spodbudi produktivnost in inovativnost zaposlenih. Ne zamudite nas na sejmih Maison & Objet in 100% Design, kjer boste lahko videli našo rešitev na to vprašanje v živo!
We've organized our yearly cleaning day this past Friday, where we cleaned in and around our production plant, making sure to keep our environment beautiful and clean. Of course, we rewarded ourselves for our hard work with good food! :) Ta petek smo v Čepovanu organizirali letno čistilno akcijo, kjer smo očistili vse v in okrog naše tovarne ter tako poskrbeli, da naše okolje ostaja čisto in lepo. Seveda smo se na koncu za dobro opravljeno delo nagradili z dobro hrano! :) Photo by/Fotografije: Leon Licer, Smilja Olić
Women at our office were pleasantly surprised with flowers and sweets in honor of this special day. :) Happy International Women's Day to all women out there! Vesel dan žena vsem ženskam! Čutite, mislite, delujte in živite polno.
If we are lucky enough, Vili honours us with a visit and brings smile to our faces :) Če imamo srečo, nas obišče Vili in nas vedno spravi v dobro voljo :)