Slovensko veterinarsko homeopatsko društvo
V Sloveniji že od leta 2007 deluje Slovensko veterinarsko homeopatsko društvo, v katerem se izobražujejo veterinarji. Homeopatija je preizkušena, varna in povsem izbori z nastalo motnjo oziroma boleznijo. Bolezenski znaki so opozorilo za neravnovesje naravna metoda zdravljenja, ki spodbuja imunski sistem organizma in mu pomaga, da se sam v našem organizmu. Ko se ravnovesje povrne, bolezenski znaki izginejo.
Homeopatija zdravi praktično vse, torej različne akutne bolezni, kot vročinska stanja in poškodbe, alergije in druge kronične bolezni. Dostikrat se s pomočjo homeopatskih zdravil lajšajo bolečine ali pa se omili potek neozdravljivih bolezni kot je rak. Zdravimo lahko tudi različne psihične težave (strahove).
Vse vrste živali zelo dobro reagirajo na zdravljenje s homeopatskimi zdravili.
Potrebno je le poiskati pravo zdravilo in zagotoviti tudi druge pogoje, kot so pravilna prehrana, osnovne življenjske potrebe in odpraviti škodljive vzroke.
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Homeopatija za živali: "Nekaj je na tem, ampak …"
1. seminar v sklopu programa izobraževanj "HOMEOPATIJA V VETERINI"
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Seminar homeopatija v veterini
Townsend Letter
Homeopathy for old dog What can Homeopathy offer the older dog, who is showing signs of wear and tear? Rhus toxicodendron is wonderful for the stiffness that worsens in cold damp weather, is worse on rising and eases off with a little exercise. Causticum is a wonderful 'older dog' remedy. It suits stiffness worse for cold, bright weather and better for warm and damp conditions. More than this, it has strong indications in the weakness which some older dogs show and it will help certain ‘canine stroke’ cases. Baryta carbonica can suit the old chap who may be losing someof his marbles. Confusion and a tendency to overweight characterise it. Ambra grisea is well-suited to a general ageing and weariness. If the heart is playing up one can consider Crataegus, in ‘mother tincture’ form. It is a wonderful heart strengthener, along with that good old stand-by for the prevention or slowing of age-related degeneration, Vitamin E. In experienced hands, Digitalis in low potency can be invaluable in heart treatment. This can be a 'dangerous' drug, however, if not handled correctly, so caution is counselled. If there is a 'heart cough', from lung congestion, then Apis mellifica or Spongia tosta may have a part to play. If the kidneys are playing up, Mercurius solubilis, Phosphorus or Kali chloricum may be needed. If the hind legs are giving way, with no obvious pathology and no X-Ray signs, then Conium can prove useful. Constitutional remedies that are possibly better suited than many others to our notion of older dogs, who may have degenerative processes at work, are Lycopodium, Sepia, Calcarea carbonica and Causticum.