Penzion Šterk
Penzion Šterk lies above the confluence of the Soca and Idrijca river. In idyllic surroundings and breathtaking view you can enjoy delicious food. Fishermen, cyclists, motorcyclists, paragliders, hikers and all nature lovers can enjoy on the the scenic view from terrace, just above the confluence of the River Soca and Idrijca. Before or after you take on new challenges take advantage and get spoiled with our culinary delights, or take a rest in appartment or in one of the 10 rooms we have. They are all equipped with cable TV, refrigerator, hair dryer, internet access ...
Aktiv-und Naturliebhaber; bei uns bekommen sie für jeden Geschmack etwas Passendes; ausgezeichnete Kulinarik, hochwertige Weine, wunderschöne Terrasse, komfortabel ausgestattete Zimmer und Apartment. Herzlichst Willkommen.
Ribiči, kolesarji, motoristi, padalci, pohodniki, izletniki in vsi ljubitelji narave lahko uživate na terasi nad sotočjem Soče in Idrijce ter se z razgledom, ki jemlje dah, pustite razvajati naši kulinarični ponudbi. Pred novimi izzivi so vam na voljo apartma in 10 sob, opremljenih s kabelsko TV, hladilnikom, sušilnikom za lase, dostopom do interneta ...
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V prihajajoči sezoni iščemo nove sodelavce. Nudi se mesto kuharja, pomočnika v kuhinji, natakarja ter sobarica-čistilka. Več informacij zs.👨🍳
Katie and Laurence congratulations
That what a healthy Slovenian food does - congratulation Laurence Vincent Lapointe.
One of the best - thank you for believing in our service Mit der besten - danke fur ihre vertrauen an unseren Service
Penzion Šterk
Timeline Photos
Sterk family is getting bigger, new boss in the house
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Smile. this is no candid camera.