Centre for European Perspective (CEP), founded by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia, assists the countries of the Western Balkans and others Centre for European Perspective is a provider of development aid and cooperation of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia. CEP is focusing its activities on the Western Balkan countries by building capacity of the EU candidate countries (Montenegro, Serbia, Macedonia) and potential candidate countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo) on their way to EU.
For this purpose CEP organizes trainings, seminars, workshops, conferences at international and regional levels, roundtables and other forms of knowledge transfer in the field of security and economic development. All CEP activities are conducted on a request-basis submitted by the beneficiary country and are tailor-made to suit their specific requirements. Main characteristics of the CEP trainings, workshops and seminars are multidisciplinary expertise and interactivity. While experts are involved from the preparation phase on, topics are tackled from different angles and trainees are actively involved in the implementation as well as in the evaluation phase. After the training, trainees can directly apply their acquired competencies, knowledge and skills, to work. CEP activities derive from rich experiences acquired from project management work and systematic problem-solving.
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facebook.comPhotos from Centre for European Perspective - CEP's post
The opening day of the #YoungBSF at the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia started on an interesting note: "Men's brain are bigger, women's are curlier." - an answer heard on the second panel Empowering Creative and Responsible Youth Toward Better Future, held in partnership with Femmes Sans Frontières Foundation. Let's just say that this year's discussions are gonna be interesting 😁 #BSF2019 #youthasafutureresource #YoungBSF
Zgodbe in nasveti za brezskrben vsakdan - Vse bo v redu
"Vse bo v redu!" - "Everyhing's gonna be fine!", Zavarovalnica Triglav is saying - and we believe it will be! Our first #YoungBSF participants are packing their suitcases today and arriving to Slovenia tomorrow to kick off the 9th Young Bled Strategic Forum - can't wait to meet all the young brilliant minds!
ANNOUNCEMENT: Assistance for Serbia with the upgrade of development potentials on the case of management of patrols - CEP
🇸🇮 is cooperating with 🇷🇸 through the sharing of best practices to enhance capabilities for better management of patrols 🚔. The beginning of operational activities will start in Belgrade on the 5th of September. The project is part of programme activities finances by Development Cooperation Programme of Slovenia Slovenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs / Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve RS and Switzerland and carried out together with Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve/ Slovenska policija /The Slovenian police as well as CVS Mobile.
ANNOUNCEMENT: Learning Compass – teacher training for work with children with disabilities - Page 2 of 2 - CEP
CEP is together with Center za komunikacijo, sluh in govor Portorož , Institute for Promotion of Education from Kosovo and ALB – AID Kukes, Albania, organizing a three day training titled “Learning Compass 🧭 – teacher training for work with children with disabilities”. The overall project is based on the sharing of best practices and experience from Slovenian experts, who will together with colleagues from 🇦🇱🇽🇰🇲🇰🇧🇦 develop a strategy for collaboration. Over time, the collaboration will result in more than 40 one-day workshops and will train at least 400 additional teachers 👩🏫👨🏫 in the region. The project is financed from the funds for international development cooperation of the Slovenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs / Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve RS.
Triglav tek - 8. Triglav tek
If you want to change the 🌎, first try to improve and bring change within yourself (Dalai Lama) Join the 8th edition of the Triglav run organized by Zavarovalnica Triglav, #YoungBSF sponsor, and improve yourself while you help the community as part of the money raised will be donated to charity. Save the date: 📆 September 7th 2019 📌 Brdo pri Kranju
Bled Strategic Forum
Although technology has made access to information and communication easier, it has made the necessary discourse more difficult. How do we use strategic communication to address this issue? 📢 🛰💬📡 #BSF2019 #REsourcesofINstability In partnership with Centre for European Perspective - CEP and U.S. Department of State. Learn more:
ANNOUNCEMENT: Young BSF preparatory event - CEP
If you happen to be in Sarajevo in August, we are cordially inviting you to attend a 2-day event organized by Centre for European Perspective in cooperation with Bosnia and Herzegovina Association for United Nations, supported by International Visegrad Fund. The event will be held on 5th and 6th August at Hotel Europe, Sarajevo. It is part of a series of preparatory events, leading to the Young Bled Strategic Forum 2019. More info is available at: Organizations are with this opening the floor to youth and civil society of the Western Balkans, V4 and EU, giving them a chance to discuss their concerns, challenges, ideas and prospects with policy makers and experts. Special emphasis will be given to cross-regional cooperation. You can apply at by 1st of August 2019. EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy Slovak Foreign Policy Association V4SDG Külügyi és Külgazdasági Intézet / Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade MUN Prague (Model United Nations) Model European Union Warsaw
Slovenia is now opening the Centre for Education and Training for Participation in Peacekeeping Operations and Missions at CEP - CEP
Slovenia 🇸🇮 is now opening the Centre for Education and Training for participation in Peacekeeping Operations and Missions. CEP is looking forward to a fruitful cooperation with Slovenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs / Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve RSMinistrstvo za notranje zadeve Ministrstvo za obrambo RS/Slovenian Ministry of Defence Vlada Republike Slovenije Slovenska policija /The Slovenian police Slovenska vojska/Slovenian Armed Forces within the newly established Centre and all the activities that will be organised in the near future. For more information visit the CEP website ➡️
Photos from Centre for European Perspective - CEP's post
Within the framework of the international development project "Strengthening the transparency of the electoral bodies - exchange of experiences between Slovenia and Albania 2019-20", the activity of monitoring of the integration of good practices in the conduct of local elections in 🇦🇱 was carried out on Sunday, 30 June 2019. In cooperation with local partners, CEP experts were monitoring the implementation of the observation of the domestic election observers and Albanian NGOs involved in the project, based on recommendations developed within the March workshop. Moreover, CEP experts conducted interviews with participating NGO’s in the project. The project is financed from the funds for international development cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of 🇸🇮.
Photos from Centre for European Perspective - CEP's post
The second day of the Law Enforcement Training for Capacity Building (#LET4CAP) organized by CEP, saw LEO’s delve on training techniques and apply them in a practical and personalized way. The morning session involved a theoretical overview of the different forms of organizing trainings using demonstrative or scenario-based approaches through simulations, World Cafès or Gallery Walks. The afternoon session was followed by presentations where participants took turns to explain their own envisaged training scenarios. The delivered presentations were then evaluated by each individual participant along with the course mentor to provide mutual feedback as a way to improve their learning capabilities. Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna Arma dei Carabinieri Polish police Davide Corazzini Ivana Boštjančič Pulko Karolina Rybacka Annalisa Creta
Digital Diplomacy 2019 B
Attention❗️European Digital Diplomacy Exchange throwback video released 🎥 Cast: #EDDE digital diplomats Storyline: #goodtimes #newfriends #bestmemories Warning: this video may cause an emotional hangover 😭 by Kraftart
LET4CAP Training of Trainers Debut! - CEP
📢#LET4CAP Training of Trainers Debut at Jable Castle! 19 Law Enforcement Officers from 11 different countries sharing experience and ideas this week in Slovenia. The envisaged result of the course is to equip Trainers, namely the Law Enforcement Officers (LEOs) personnel implementing capacity building and training activities, with recognized adult learning principles that correspond to the learning needs of participants in their trainings. Find out the secret on how to be a better trainer at the CEP website ➡️