Cooperation Programme Interreg V-A Slovenia Austria
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European Cooperation Day
European Cooperation Day
Photos from Cooperation Programme Interreg V-A Slovenia Austria's post
Minister dr. Iztok Purič and Provincial Governor of Burgenland mag. Hans Peter Doskozil on the future of cross-border cooperation Today, on 24 July 2019, at the premises of the Ljubljana Technology Park, Minister dr. Iztok Purič, responsible for Development, Strategic Projects and Cohesion and Mag. Hans Peter Doskozil, Provincial Governor of Burgenland, met during the first official visit of the Provincial Governor of Burgenland to Slovenia. Burgenland participates in the cross-border programme Slovenia-Austria 2014-2020 with partners in 12 projects covering very different thematic areas. One of those projects was presented at the meeting, namely the project COOP4HEALTHCARE, in which the project partnership is committed to improving the provision of health services with a focus on nursing and care for the elderly in nursing homes. Both Minister Purič and Provincial Governor Doskozil have expressed the importance of cross-border cooperation and the preservation of already established relations and well-functioning structures. This is reflected by implemented cross-border projects, the existing partnerships of institutions from Slovenian and Burgenland and the results of the projects which contribute to strengthening cross-border competitiveness, research and innovation, the efficient use of resources, the preservance of natural and cultural heritage and the improvement of institutional capacity and the efficiency of public administration. The first activities for the implementation of cross-border cooperation between Slovenia and Austria after 2020 are already underway. The first session of the programming task force took place in the beginning of June. The framework for the programming process has already been defined and general support was given by both Member States on the proposal that the Managing Authority remains under the auspices of the Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy, which, as the Minister said, is aware of the responsibility of this role and is thankful for the trust of the programme partners.
Photos from Cooperation Programme Interreg V-A Slovenia Austria's post
New beginning – Slovenia and Austria set the basis for further cross-border cooperation after 2020 On 2 July 2019, representatives of both Member States met at the 1st Programming Task Force meeting to discuss the framework for the new Interreg cross-border cooperation programme Slovenia-Austria in the period 2021-2027. In May 2018, the European Commission (EC) presented the package of proposals for regulations governing regional development and cohesion policy beyond 2020 which have not yet been confirmed. Thus, for the coming period, the EC proposes to modernize Cohesion Policy by making its framework simpler and more flexible. While the proposals foresee the strengthening of e-cohesion and maintaining thematic concentration, they introduce several novelties. The main aim of the 1st Programming Task Force meeting was to establish the Programming Task Force that will be responsible for the programming of the new period. The representatives already discussed the timeline, framework and main open issues and decided to support the continuity of the well-functioning programme management structures. The successful kick off of the programming will be continued in the frame of regular meetings, the next two will take place in October and December 2019.
One more week until the closure of the 5th deadline for the submission of applications! To date, 43 projects with a total value of 43.5 million EUR from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) have been approved in the frame of the cross-border Cooperation Programme Interreg V-A Slovenia-Austria. The programme co-finances activities in three priority axes. Within the priority axis 1 “Strengthening cross-border Competitiveness, Research and Innovation“, 17 projects worth approx. 13.9 million EUR ERDF have been approved so far. 13 projects, amounting to approx. 17.2 million EUR ERDF were approved under priority axis 2 “Protecting the Environment and Promoting Resource Efficiency“. In the area of ”Enhancing Institutional Capacity and an Efficient Public Administration” (priority axis 3), also 13 projects were approved for a total of approx. 12.4 mio. EUR ERDF funds. So far, a bit more than 97 % of all available programme funds were awarded or contracted. The remaining funds, a bit less than 1.5 million EUR ERDF are available in the 5th deadline for submission of applications, which will be open until 4 July 2019 (the submission of applications will be possible through the eMS system by 12:00 noon). Based on a review of 43 approved projects, we found that at programme level we have not yet achieved all the planned values of the programme indicators. The indicators for which the values have not yet been achieved relate to research and development projects (specific objective 1) and to the topic of internationalization (specific objective 3) within priority axis 1, and projects involving research institutions in the field of management and utilization of water resources (investment priority 6f) within priority axis 2. Considering the amount of available funds and the achievement of the values of the programme indicators, the recommendation that the projects submitted in the 5th deadline for the submission of applications under priority axis 1 should not exceed 500,000 EUR ERDF should be followed, projects under priority axis 2, more specific under investment priority 6f, should not exceed 350,000 EUR ERDF and, under priority axis 3, the projects submitted should not exceed 250,000 EUR ERDF. We strongly recommend that the project partners contact the competent national / regional authority and the Joint Secretariat at the time of preparation of the project application or prior to the submission of the project proposal. Experience has shown that such an approach enables more successful project preparation. The Open Call and the Application Pack are available under
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Raziskovalno Izobraževalno Središče Dvorec Rakičan
Raziskovalno Izobraževalno Središče Dvorec Rakičan
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There are only a few more days left! It only takes you a few minutes to take part in our 🎥🎥 amateur video competition 🎥🎥 to celebrate Europe 🇪🇺 and the European Cooperation Day! Participating is so simple: 🎬🎤 make a very short video📱🎞 (max. 40 seconds) answering the question: “Why EUROPE IS YOU?” (how Europe benefits you), and send it to us 📨. In summer ⛱, the jury will select the finalist videos; the awarding 🏆 is scheduled in the week of 21 September 2019. The competition is open to every citizen/resident of the programme area and takes place until ⏰30 June 2019⏰. For more information see: Interact Programme #ECDay2019, #Interreg, #EuropeInMyRegion, #SIAT, #EuropeanCooperationDay, #Europe, EU Skladi
#ForABetterFuture, #SIAT, #MadeWithInterreg, #ECDay2019