Metoda Phyllis Krystal
Nudiva SEMESTRE učenja metode. Naučite se povezati se s seboj - s svojo modrostjo in se osvobodite vplivov staršev, vzorcev iz otroštva, negativnosti ...
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Our beloved and venerated teacher Phyllis Krystal has abandoned her body in the early morning around 5am of December 10th in Guildford UK. Her life was dedicated to the method that came through her - „Phyllis Krystal Method“ - and its dissemination. Through her tireless work and love for people, she has shown us all what is possible by tuning into the Higher Consciousness and serving as an instrument. We all can – beyond her presence in a physical body - respond to her request and remain faithful to her message, her method and the contact to the High C of all of us. We thank Phyllis Krystal from the bottom of our heart for her life work and legacy.
Aleksandra S. Kelc
Danes je zadnji dan za prijavo.
Aleksandra S. Kelc
Ta misel spodaj mi je zelo všeč <3. Kajti ... rada imam svoje notranje otroke. Ko se pokažejo, jih sočutno sprejmem, potolažim in vzpodbudim, da odrastejo. Pri tem si pomagam z Metodo Phyllis Krystal - vajo "Notranji otrok".
Onstran razuma: Aleksandra Kelc
Danes vas vabim, da si za navdih ogledate video, ki je bil prejšnji torek posnet za oddajo "Onkraj razuma". Novinarki odgovarjam, kako sem prišla na pot osebnega razvoja, kdaj sem se srečala z metodo Phyllis Krystal in kako to metodo uporabljamo: