There's one true direction. Up!
Dunking Devils acrobatic basketball team started in 2004 as a group of friends with a shared passion to always improve and share our acrobatic dunk skills with the world. Despite a difficult beginning and many obstacles we never gave up on our dream. We have always welcomed new members and through the years built up a team of 60 members of which 20 are professional performers. In 2013 we have opened our own acrobatics and showmanship center where we inspire and teach younger generations. In 2017 we are opening the biggest Trampoline park in Slovenia.
We have performed on more than 1400 live events in 43 countries on 5 continents. We're known for our amazing live performances and for our crazy viral videos which have received more than 100 million online views.
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facebook.comFor 12 years of inspirational work the Dunking Devils got a special award from Borut Pahor, the president of Slovenia. The award was commemorated with a very special event held for our entire team at the National Congress centre at Brdo. We are proud and thankful to everybody who has been a part of our story and pledge to continue inspiring people around the world with our work! 🎵Syn Cole - Feel Good🎵
Dunking Devils doing NFL stunts People Are Awesome style! 🔥🏈🔥 Thank you Quadrofoil, Mestna občina Velenje and F&B Acrobatics!
On top of the world! Well, at least on top of Paris... 😁 How do you like the view?
🏈 First ever human field goal !🏈 24 hours to full video launch! #WatchWithTheWorld
🏈 Getting ready for Sundays NFL Game in London! 🏈 Stay tuned tomorrow for our biggest video launch to date! 🔥 #WatchWithTheWorld
In those rare moments when our feet touch the ground, we make sure we do it in style! 👟 Thanks, Under Armour Slovenija for our awesome new sneakers!
Yesterday was a special day for us. It's a great honor to have received an award from the President of Slovenia for being an inspiration to others! 🏅
Danes nas je doletela posebna čast! Predsednik republike Borut Pahor nam je podelil Jabolko navdiha - priznanje, ki ga prejmejo tisti, ki s svojimi dejanji in delovanjem navdihujejo druge. Hvaležni smo za izkazano čast in s ponosom bomo naše vrednote širili še naprej in spodbujali Slovenijo, da gre po edini pravi poti: Navzgor! 🎵 Anže Rozman - Composer 🎵
How close were you at predicting the score of Eurobasket finale? 🏀 The winners of our Predict the score contest are Benjamin Alibegic and Danijela Kosi with 92:85 for Slovenia. Congratz, you both get signed limited edition Dunking Devils T-shirt! 👏 Thanks to everyone who participated!
Celebrating FIBA EuroBasket 2017 gold with Dr. Miro Cerar and Feel Slovenia ! 🏅🏅🏅🏅🏅
Peter, we wish you many hits in the bull's eye this year! Happy birthday!