Moldavite Association
Association for raising awareness and healing the planet Association for Raising Awareness and Healing the Planet unites experts, professionals, and other individuals from all around the World, who voluntarily enter into agreement to accomplish the common goal of promoting and providing Meteorites and other Healing stones of our entire Universe and also promoting other Esoteric products for the benefit of all living on our Planet.
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facebook.comTHE LORD'S SERMONS »The Parable of Weeds among the Wheat« The parables of this chapter contain the whole history of My teaching and also the history of My creation from beginning to end. The history of My teaching, because they show you upon what different ground My teaching and My words fall; and the history of My creation, because they clearly reveal to you how the Divine Word of the highest spiritual consecration, rising from level to level, finds its expression in the millions of worlds. And as the impression which My Word makes upon millions of people is different with each individual, thus also the evolutionary process of each world is different from that of the others. These parables, as I told them once to the people of Israel, were taken from ordinary life so that the listeners could easily understand them. But in spite of this, they did not comprehend in the parable which was chosen for this Sunday, who among them was compared to the good ground, who to the stony places and who to the wayside upon which some seeds had fallen. This parable shows that I do want to convert people through acts and words, but that the good seed, since the world with its pleasures mixes with it, grows only sporadically in some places and does not generally bring forth the fruit that should result through the words from My mouth. It also reveals that the end, the harvest, will separate the good from the bad, and that the good will receive their just reward. The obstinate and evil, however, will have to experience the long road of matter until they have thrown off all impurities and can join the harmony prevailing in My heavenly kingdom of the spirit as a spiritual note. Since the fall of Lucifer, in the whole of creation that which is good or light, which is the spiritual, has its opposite in that which is evil or heavy - the material or physical. The immense multitude of apostatised spirits, who had fallen with Lucifer and were bound in matter as its carriers, classify all the created worlds according to their spiritual content, and that is why the worlds are more or less light or heavy from a moral and spiritual viewpoint. This means that on all the globes the great principle of the highest attributes of My own Inner Self is expressed as the greatest love with all the qualities arising therefrom. The sole purpose of My coming to your earth and teaching My disciples was to reveal to all created beings My spiritual kingdom, its laws and its fundamental principles. When I taught on your earth I did not say anything new but always the same, which since the beginning of creation I had impressed upon all My spirits, namely, what their ultimate goal is to be and what they must strive for. Even into matter with its imprisoned spirits I put the impulse to strive for perfection, thus to spiritualize the external, the components of matter, until the latter, in harmony with its inner nature, can finally rise to higher potencies in the evolution of life, from a heavy rock up to man who is conscious of himself and who then -conscious of his mission - must spiritualize his own material nature until ultimately, when his outer nature has become equally spiritual with his inner man, he is ready to be received into My Kingdom. The parables about the sowing of the seed correspond to the progress through these phases, for the seed sown, fallen upon various kinds of ground, will bring forth various fruit depending on the elements it finds there for its growth. The setting free of the human nature, that is, man's free will, brings about this different conception of My teaching as I once taught it to My disciples and as I at present again reveal it to only a few on this earth. Men, standing midway between the two poles of good and evil, had of course to show different reactions in the way they would or could grasp My teaching. As the countless worlds in My entire creation all differ, thus figuratively expressing the various ways of comprehending pure truth, so men also differ with millions of deviations, each individual considered as a spiritual world in itself. Thus you can recognise in these parables the far-reaching significance of the seed. The word "Let there be!", which was once spoken by Me, is still effective today and will ultimately unite all spirits within one spiritual realm, although individual worlds and individual men will have to cover longer or shorter distances to reach this destination. My Word, or the expression of love in all its aspects, contains all of creation and My whole teaching. This proves that I have given only laws of love, that is, only two. These, however, are of value only if one complements the other. These laws of love are the seed I have sown physically into My entire creation and spiritually into the hearts of all rational beings. The springing up of this seed, depending on the greater or lesser influence of the material world, will determine the progress towards the good or regress to the evil, the material. In consideration of the liberty of man and all created spirits there also had to spring up tares among the good wheat, as I told it figuratively in the parable. In this case, those people who did not walk upon the right path will realise only at the end of their earthly pilgrimage how far they have strayed from the proper road to their salvation. Then this struggle, which so many believed to have ended with their departure from this world, will have to be taken up once more in the other world from within, under different conditions and with only few aids and great obstacles. What physical death is for each individual, as a small spiritual world, is for mankind on earth the end of all that is material, of all worldly temptations, which will still come to pass prior to My Second Coming, since after that the spiritual kingdom on your earth will have its inception and My seed, or My Word, will bring forth equal fruit everywhere. All My preparations in your time aim at that, for upon your earth, unfortunately, the tares already prevail over the good wheat. Hardly any but stony and sandy ground can be found and the principal growth consists in thistles and thorns which mar the surface of your earth. My reapers have already been in action for quite some time using every means to eradicate the rapidly growing tares, but things will be getting worse, since man in his freedom has developed an almost stony heart upon which, as upon a hard stone, a mere touch leaves no trace behind and over the surface of which everything passes without leaving an impression. Make sure that no weeds of evil passions, favoured by worldly influences, spring up in your hearts! As I once said to My disciples, I say also to you: "Who has ears to hear, let him hear, and who has eyes to see, let him see!" Unfortunately, there are still many who have ears but do not hear the spiritual wind that blows through all creation, and who have eyes and do not perceive the ray of light from My eternal kingdom of the spirits which is beginning to illuminate progressively all nooks and corners of your dark earth so that, on My arrival as the King of Light, there will no longer be any shadow or darkness. There are still many who, chasing only after worldly pleasures and values, do not want to recognise a spiritual world, a higher spiritual principle or a God as creator. They are like the thistles and thorns. Keep away from them! Their prickles cause you to see that you may approach such sham-philosophers and scholars only with caution. They shall be thrown into the fire, as is written; into the fire of tribulation and suffering. Only when purified after a long struggle, will they be able to participate in the spiritual kingdom which they had previously denied so steadfastly. For them are meant the happenings in nature and the epidemics which rake them away in great numbers. Others will be reminded of the existence of still another world beyond the natural, material one through the loss of beloved persons. Theirs will be a sad awakening - and yet I have to awaken them since I do not want to lose even an atom, still less a human soul which I once created in My image internally and externally. You, too, should learn to hear with spiritual ears what I am saying to you, what the happenings in the world are telling you and what all nature is calling to you: 'There is a God, and He is a God of love!' He sows His seed regardless of the ground, upon the highways or in the stony places, or among the thorns and thistles. Since man is free, the seed can work according to the nature of each individual, but in the end the objective which I, the Sower, had in mind, will be achieved. In spite of the different kinds of ground, there will ultimately be a rich harvest; eternity ensures My success. My Word, having passed through all the phases, trampled underfoot by some and joyfully saluted by others, must nevertheless yield the same result. For My Word - the Seed - is a Divine Word and, consequently, can and must improve and spiritualize the ground upon which it falls, if not on this earth then definitely in the beyond. My aim and purpose with this message is but to shorten the road for men and to further their progress. Hence, the repeated admonition in this chapter: "Who has ears to hear, let him hear!" Understand and comprehend it well and act accordingly, and you will discover in yourselves, whether the seed has fallen upon good or stony ground! Amen. (Written in 1871 by Gottfried Mayerhofer - the successor of Jakob Lorber) Here are some sections of the chapter. For the interactive spiritual read, archives and to enter the Sun Gate follow this link: Moldavite team
TEKTITE Tektite is a very beautiful dark glossy remain of a large transformed Meteorite of various aerodynamic shapes and sizes. It emits a very strong orange aura and although it looks externally black (because of very concentrated LIGHT inside it) it is in fact orange, in thin areas yellow, sometimes even a very gentle green. Due to the high density of its structure it is a very solid Stone. It is quite hard to make a hole with a diamond drill without destroying or completely eroding one. Tektite works with a very strong energy and powerful low frequency vibration "OM" and around itself permeates all that is stubborn and rigid. It totally disables powers of black magic, spells, darkness and all what can influence in a negative way – not only that it disables their power but it has so much LIGHT inside that it re-establishes order and balance. Not everyone can wear Tektite, because it simply doesn't allow you to do bad to yourself, your loved ones or anyone surrounding you. With Tektite your intentions and actions can only be good and positive. It gives you an incredible start, flight and Light speed if you have a good purpose or a positive act on your mind; in an opposite way, it starts to urge you inside your HEART. Conscience strongly starts to remind you that something you are doing is not right and with the help of Tektite's power you are set back on the right path. Tektite is most successful in healing the biggest emotional illnesses and physical addictions (epilepsy, hard drugs, alcohol, etc.) and it is also the best protection against all evil. It is an incredibly good device at meetings, serious talks, courts, etc. because it gives insight into what is true and right. Tektite permeates you with Wisdom, justice and seriousness. It is ideal for the protection from all types of radiation. If you lay Tektites around the bed or around the room or around an object in the form of a circle or Mandala (at least 6, 12 or 24, plus 1), you gain a very strong protection. You always have to put the largest Tektites in the north and south and in the Center. In Mandala it means one or more star circles. For example: outer circle contains 12, inner circle 6, and 1 largest Tektite in the Center. Larger and heavier Tektites are more powerfull. Such protection in the form of a circle or Mandala is very strong against all evil that flies on you in a spiritual world, your entire space, objects or neighborhood. With Tektite you find yourself once again, you find love for your neighbor, you become bonded with the Creator, all your concerns and financial problems slowly resolve. It is a wonderful tool, a co-traveler from the old to the new, from the material to the Spiritual, from evil into Good, it fills you with Peace, with a great sense of security, with the power of WISDOM from the ETERNAL indestructible LIGHT. <3 Onosmil Zlatobor
We announce that we have decided to give away 33 Star Stones Tektites from our expeditions in Asia and Indonesia. We would like to give them to the people who are without financial income or the income is too low that they could afford this rare Star stone. Tektites are the most powerful protection against all types of negative energies and they bring back inner balance. They also establish a financial balance and are therefore suited for people who are facing serious problems in this area. Each person asking for them should decide according to his Conscience and HEART. We would also like to ask first 33 people which will respond to this message to write to us their address in private message. Warm Regards and BLESSING from Moldavite team
THE LORD'S SERMONS »Jesus calms the storm« This happened only before the eyes of My disciples, although people on land, too, had observed how, upon My Word, the waves calmed down and the tempest ceased. Thereby I gave My companions another proof that I was not only the Lord of death and life but also the Lord of all visible nature. Although this act should have opened the eyes of many as to Who I actually was, only few comprehended that I was more than a man, that I was the Son of God, or God Himself. As the storm kept growing in force, My disciples lost heart and woke Me full of fear, thinking that the end had come. They shouldn't have thought that seeing Me sleeping so peacefully! However, the concept 'Son of God' was not clear to them as yet, and that is the reason why you see them on various occasions lose heart and doubt My omnipotence, notwithstanding the fact that they had only just seen Me perform deeds no ordinary man could perform, but only He Who, far above all that is physical-material, is firmly holding in His hand the threads of all creation. I often revealed My power to My disciples through miracles, but they still could not quite get used to the idea that they were not dealing with an ordinary mortal, but with a divine man. At all times I arranged the circumstances in such a way that besides My teaching My deeds had to bear even clearer witness of Him Who had sent Me. Even when I returned after My death there were still doubters as, for instance, Thomas. That which was already so difficult in those times under My direct, visible influence, has now, when I speak to you either through specially chosen scribes or through a person's heart, become even more difficult and doubtful. Now My words shall and must suffice, since the time of compulsory belief is past and no more miracles are performed or allowed through the participation of other people. Most of those who now believe in My Word are not in the least convinced of its infallibility. At the slightest danger, that which happened to My disciples is also happening to them now, that is, they, too, doubt My promises, My words. The situation as it was when I was on the ship with My disciples corresponds to everyone's own ship of life, wherein I am asleep as the Divine Spark until all kinds of calamities compel a person to seek refuge with Me. With most people it is the same as it was with My disciples: While they are not in danger, they do not come to Me. My disciples believed that they were lost and called to Me. In difficult situations, when the frailty of all earthly things reveals to him plain reality unmasked, man seeks comfort and peace within his heart, which he expects from the outer world in vain. Until then I had been lying asleep also within him. He did not regard Me as something essential and real, but as something imagined, unreal, a make-believe which others, usually priests, taught men for the sole reason of enhancing their own power, whilst man's spiritual welfare was being ignored. But when the little ship of life is tossed about by worldly storms, then worry, doubts and fears arise. All the doctrines that were drummed into a person through his education are then remembered, but he finds that neither dogmas nor nice aphorisms are of any use for bringing tranquility and peace to his frightened soul. Then man turns to the divine spirit dormant within him, seeking support in the so far ignored inner centre of human life, so as not to perish under the force of circumstances. And when he has discovered this inner treasure, when he has comprehended how little all material things are worth compared with a single flash of thought from this sanctuary, then the waves will calm, the winds of passions and anxieties will be stilled, and tranquility and peace will return to the external world. Acutally, this external world itself has not been disturbed, only the view of it. Then the divine spark awakened within man's heart says to the frightened soul: "But why are you so faint-hearted when you are carrying within you such a Lord over all that is physical?" Behold, this is the spiritual correspondence to the individual human life of that act on the sea. In the life of nations, too, there is a spark of the divine motivating force which at times causes them to think, so that just as the individual, also a whole nation may become conscious of its mission on this earth. For everything that happens in this visible world is only a simple effect of love destined to bring out that which is of the soul and spirit in man. This process also takes place in the life of animals, plants and stones, where it is, however, visible only to the eyes of the spirit. The forming, shaping and dissolving of all matter is nothing but the impulse of the awakened spirit that had been lying bound and dormant in matter. The progression and self-perfection from stage to stage could not take place if there did not dwell within matter the spirit awakened through outer circumstances. As in those times the little ship with My disciples and Myself constituted the whole world being tossed about on the water, the changeable element, thus the stirring up through external effects of the spirit within matter is that factor which urges toward progress and perfection. My disciples' progress in faith and trust had to be brought about by various events. They had to become strong so that in the future storms of life they would not doubt but have firm trust. In solid matter the spirit is an unconscious impulse which, in the animal, manifests as instinct and in man as the most highly developed divine spark. Man shall become more and more aware that he is not only a mortal, but a universal being which, standing between two worlds, has its material envelopment on this earth, but at the same time is also the spiritual image of a Supreme Being, the Creator, Who dwells in Infinity high above all that is transient. He wants to educate His descendants to that for which He has created them, namely, purifiers of matter, spiritualizers of the coarse and the solid, and eternal dwellers in a realm of the spirit where matter once originated and where it must and will find its ultimate destination. Therefore, you, too, must make every effort to awaken the divine spark within you, cultivate and understand it, so that on life's rough seas and in the tempests of passions, circumstances and events, you do not lose courage as did once My disciples in the ship, but keep remembering that your Father is with you. His voice may not always be heard, but He is not asleep, just as My Divine Spirit was not asleep in My disciples' little ship, but was waiting patiently for another faintheartedness that would reveal the weakness of My disciples. There I rebuked the winds and the sea, so that they became calm; thus the person who will seek Me within himself shall have, thanks to the divine spirit awakened within him, tranquility and peace - first in his own heart, and then he will be able to pass it on also to the external world. Remember this and do not despair the moment your wishes are not promptly fulfilled in the way you would like it! You, too, must become strong in faith and trust in the divine spirit within you! Amen. Here are some sections of the chapter. For the whole spiritual text, archives and to enter the Sun Gate follow this link: Moldavite team
SPESSARTINE GARNET Spessartine Garnet is one of the most spectacular and powerful gems with a deep red colour. Its hardness, transparency, colour intensity, light reflection and regular external forms are simply amazing to the human eye. On the scale of hardness it is a 9.5 out of 10, and is denser and heavier than Rubies and Sapphires. Among all the rare and precious Crystals, it is close to the Diamond by hardnes and density – but the Diamond, unlike Spessartine, has to be initially polished and processed in order to obtain transparency, appearance and (artificial) shape, whereas Spessartine has natural perfect outer shape and translucence. Although it is very rare (much rarer than the Diamond), it is reasonably priced and much more affordable. Even larger natural specimens can be found at reasonable prices. This specific Spessartine Garnet was found at only one place in the world – Minas Gerais Brazil, however it is not mined anymore (the mine collapsed over 15 years ago). Spessartine Garnet or Red Diamond is a foundation stone and every Crystals energy enthusiast should have the opportunity to test its functioning at least once in his/her lifetime. From the energy point of view, it is very strong, with a red aura expanding around it. Vibration sensitive people may feel its strong red density even before they touch it. It highly influences the first energy centre (the root chakra) which represents love and is the fundamental driving energy for the entire body. Its presence in the area of the HEART disperses very strong energy and a huge desire for physical movement. It also cures and relieves diseases and inflammations. I had my first experiences with Spessartine when I got a severe feverish sinus infection before going on an expedition. Sinus problems are very painful and typically last for a long time. Before leaving, I charged and programmed a larger piece of Spessartine, put it under the pillow and slept with it for a few hours. When I woke up, my problems and pain were mostly resolved and were completely gone in the next 24 hours. On another occasion, I wore this same specimen for a few days and received so much energy from it that I had to release it each day by running, exercising, cycling or hiking in the mountains. Especially when I feel bad, or my body is tired, I always received an excess of energy and a strong urge for recreation. Spessartine Garnet is particularly suitable for anaemic people, individuals with a lack of will due to depression and self-confinement, or for athletes who need an extra source of clean natural energy and the will to exercise. It cleanses blood, liver, spleen, lungs, heart, blood vessels, and the entire circulatory system. It is highly recommend for people who need basic motive energy, for a body that needs a fresh source of energy in order to be physically strong and to enhance the strength of the spirit in a healthy body by means of this beautiful ancient fire of transformation. <3 Onohej Zlatove
THE SECRET POWER OF COLOMBIANITE After the third successful expedition in Colombia, we are pleased to present a new collection of very rare Colombianites, which we exchanged with the locals for the Moldavites. This are Cinta Mani stones from Sanskrit, whose prophecy is written in both Buddhism and Hinduism. According to the ancient writings this is one of the four relics which were given from the sky to the people, to gain God's Mercy over all Life surrounding them. In Tibet, the power of this stone brought Dharma among the people, which means the CENTER OF INFINITY. In the western world, it is called the Stone of Wisdom or "Philosopher's Stone", which has been searched by all alchemists since the beginning of time, but the Stone of Wisdom can not be found if you do not search it inside. Cinta Mani helps you to change from the external to the inner search of the truth. The Stone of Wisdom or Philosopher's Stone is in reality build out of human tears of recognition, and according to the Cinta Mani prophecy the energy will shift when the stones will be scattered among the people, and the whole world will cry over itself in the recognition of its own weaknesses. Colombianite is a sacred stone of the Colombian Indians from the Muisca tribes. Natives call it “Piedra Rayo”, which means “Stone of Lightning” or “Light Stone”. It is connected with the sacred, Divine origin. Colombian shamans use it in their rituals as a means of communication with the God. They also use it for prophetic visions. Possibly it was created by the fall of a large meteorite approx. 29 million years ago, along with Saffordite. It is very rare, much rarer than Moldavite and Saffordite and in scientific circles it's formation is still an enigma. Gratitude for bringing these stones to Europe for the first time goes primarily to a professor from the University of Cali, who received us very hospitably, guided us, gave us instructions and kept an eye on us all the time, because Colombia is a country full of dangers. Since the quantity of these stones is very limited, we believe they are intended for people with a higher spiritual mission. <3 Onohej Zlatove
THE LORD'S SERMONS »The Raising of Jairus' Daughter« This chapter likewise deals with acts of healing, partly done by the laying on of My hands and partly through the strong belief of the sufferer. Our text deals with the raising of the dead daughter of a certain ruler who had put so much trust and belief in My might that - as it says in the Gospel - he begged Me to come to his house in order that his daughter might become alive again through the laying on of My hands. Believe Me, where there is so much trust I cannot but grant the request of the supplicant in order to show all men what can be gained through unconditional trust in Me. When a child ardently begs his father to fulfill his wishes, the father is sure to listen to him. What I had already said earlier about true believing can also be applied to this act of raising the dead, and it would, therefore, be superfluous to repeat it. These examples reveal to you very clearly which way men should follow in order to be certain of the fulfillment of their wishes, provided they are just. Although when in those times I performed this act I was in My visible body, the same can be achieved also in these days; for here it is not the body that is important, but My Spirit. My Spirit is also with you, just as it was in those days with My disciples and those who respected My Word. Now I am not visible to you as a person, which is better, for seeing Me might be disturbing to you - knowing Who I am in reality. It was a different situation with My disciples and the people who followed Me, since they saw in Me, perhaps, a mighty prophet or even the Messiah they had been waiting for, but certainly not the Lord of Creation who brought into being everything there is. As regards the raising of the daughter of the ruler, it was the reward for her father's unlimited belief and at the same time a guide and pointer for her. This physical raising in those days corresponds to the spiritual awakening in the present time; for what happened and what was performed and spoken by Me then is also now taking place - spiritually. In those days I wandered from town to town, from village to village, preached, healed and did good works. I stimulated those who were half asleep, and awakened the physically and spiritually dead. And now, already for a long time, the same is happening. Everywhere I awaken the innermost qualities of the souls through an unconscious impulse; I awaken people through a linking of circumstances, through all kinds of accidents and suffering, so that they may not forget entirely that they are formed from more than one substance and that they do not completely deny what is of the spirit and soul. Everywhere, as it also was at the place of that certain ruler, I first drive out of the house the minstrels and diners who want to give the appearance of a cheerful scene even to a funeral. Life and its purpose is too serious; one should not play with its changes and vicissitudes as with children's toys. Before true insight can be gained, the inner house must be put in order to give the soul time to adjust itself, so that it can gradually be shown how little substance and permanence there is to be found in worldly things, to make it favour the spiritual and fear no effort or sacrifice to make the spiritual its own. In such a way I arouse many a man from his spiritual sleep. I lay My hand upon him or touch him only with a finger, so that he may not be entirely lost or perish spiritually in materialism. From such a night of the soul a person can only be awakened very slowly. As I once said to the people standing around: "The girl is not dead but asleep!", so also in these days I often show that people who sometimes appear to be most corrupt have merely sunk into a spiritual sleep and that only the right call is necessary to expel this lethargy and make of the sluggard an active laborer in My vineyard. Many have I already awakened who now thank Me a thousand times, although the manner in which they came to recognition was not quite after their taste. However, depending on their spiritual individuality, stimulants were often needed by which alone the ultimate purpose could be furthered. All of you were likewise lulled into a comfortable spiritual sleep by rendering your religious faith as convenient as possible. I have awakened you by various means in order to arouse anew the inner qualities of your soul. Upon many a one of you I laid My hand and others I touched only with My finger according to the need, one requiring a gentle touch and another a stronger, more persuasive inducement in order to make him recognize where he actually stood and how much he still had to do so as to attain the goal, or at least to become aware of it. Since the goal I have set for you is not so near and not so easily attained, I had in your case first to eradicate your old traditional prejudices in the same way in which I once expelled the minstrels on the occasion of a death before the nature of My teaching could be understood. What I achieved with you in so many different ways is still happening today with entire nations. There, too, I drive out the noisy musicians, the pipers and drummers, who are inclined to make merry even over graves. I sober up the nations through distress. I free them from the delusion that worldly desire, which seeks only pleasure, is man's main pursuit. Through very unpleasant events, unfortunately, I teach them the instability of worldly pride, worldly glory and worldly possessions, and prove to them the eternal duration of spiritual treasures. In this way fare individuals, whole nations, rulers and priests. To all of them I show that there is still another One above them, Who, although He suffers them to do what they choose, alone holds in His hands the threads of the linking of circumstances and relations, and Who knows how to utilize everything - even men's most wicked acts - for the best of humanity as a whole and the individual as such. Thus, the process of evolution progresses only slowly, yet irresistibly approaches its goal. I awaken all men, all nations, all kings and priests. All of them shall come to realize that they have been asleep, and they shall also understand that one cannot always sleep, that sleep is good and useful only when it serves to restore spent energies. Where this does not take place, sleep is useless, harmful, and only makes matters worse. Hence, the spiritual sleep into which many were lulled, or had lulled themselves, must be considered solely as a great delay on the road of spiritual evolution. Therefore, the awakening is necessary all the more so in these days when the solution of the question of mankind's destiny is imminent, and when most people find themselves so steeped in worldly, selfish activities that hardly anyone can be awakened any more by the mere touch of a finger. On the contrary, in most cases forceful means have to be used in order to pull them out of the mire of this world into which they have sunk so deeply. Men have now strayed so far from their real goal that no human power would ever be able to awaken them from their dreams and get them away from their hunt for pleasures. More than ever I must now intervene, since also the rulers are laboring under the same delusion as their people. For that reason, everywhere, and in various ways, the call to awake is sounding for both individuals and entire nations. So far neither the individuals nor the nations know what they really want. But just wait! Let the minstrels first be driven out, then a more earnest disposition and greater awareness will follow. Conditions will clear up and the unnatural, the unlawful and the overstrained will have to make room for the real and the imperishable. There will be plenty of resistance on the part of many, yet the medicine must be taken and the bitter cup emptied to the very dregs. Since mankind has strayed so far from the right path, the way back must, of course, be a long one, - but return he must! It is necessary for him to understand that there is only one God and one realm of the spirits, and everything else is to serve as a footstool; and that material things, however devotedly revered, have no permanency and cannot yield lasting pleasure. Thousands of erring are hurrying along the wrong path to an early death. Immature, they leave this world and arrive in the beyond even more so. What shall become of them? Here they could not remain, and there they do not like it either. Oh, you do not know the agony of such souls who are wandering around undecidedly! The temporal world, now lost to them, is no longer accessible to them, and the spiritual does not fit their ideas or their nature. That is the way it goes, when people, even entire nations, utterly disregard their spiritual happiness, cling to the material things and, finally, having lost the material, are unable to make the spiritual their own. It is their own fault. - This is the reason for My awakening calls. Not in vain did I say: "If an eye offends you, pluck it out, for it is more profitable for you that you arrive with one eye in a better world than to expose yourself to the greatest spiritual agony with two eyes!" Accept all happenings as gifts of love, however and whenever they may come; for I know best how, when, and by what means I can set depraved people and erring nations on the right path and thus still save them in time from total ruin. You were taught a purgatory where souls are said to be cleansed from their evil passions before they could be received into paradise or heaven. But I say to you: The way in which purgatory has been described to you is utter nonsense; spiritually, however, it does exist in man himself. There, everything that is evil must first be swept away before one can feel at home in better circumstances; and to this sweeping away I contrtibute much by sending all kinds of conflicts and sufferings. Thus I awaken the slumbering good qualities in the human soul in order that it may pull itself together to combat the evil with energy and sweep away all that could be detrimental to it. When I once said: "The girl is not dead but asleep!", they laughed at Me. In the same way, also today, very few people understand Me when I want to arouse them, although it is in their best interest. Therefore, strive to understand My hints and admonitions, so that you may notice when I touch you only with My finger for your own good! A loving father who cares very much for the welfare of his children can only reform, but never punish. Of that be always mindful! Amen. Here are some sections of the chapter. For the whole spiritual text, archives and to enter the Sun Gate follow this link: Moldavite team
14th ALTERMED EXPO We are participating in the 14. Altermed EXPO which will be held on the 17th and 18th of March in Celje, Slovenia. Moldavite Association will exhibit rare Earth and Star Stones as well as rare natural incenses and other Esoteric accessories. WELCOME
THE LORD'S SERMONS »The Lord's Attitude Towards the Authorities« Since I had shown them on the coin they handed to Me the image of the emperor and its superscription, I could not say anything else but: "This image on the one side of the coin shows you whose subjects you are; and if you do not want to understand the meaning of the image, the superscription on the other side proves it even more clearly. This is a small coin with which you trade and are able to satisfy your worldly needs. The spiritual, however, is above all coins - be they of gold or other metals -; it has another origin, another cause and another goal!" Thereby I made a strict distinction between the tribute due to the worldly power and that due to the spiritual. The answer I gave was to tell them: "With the taxes paid to the emperor you purchase your worldly order, peace and security; with the spiritual offerings you obtain for yourselves order within, the peace of a clear conscience and the security in your actions, so that you know what you are doing and why. Thus you reach the same goal on both roads - here spiritually and there materially. Both must exist, for without them a coexistence of people is impossible, and without them it does not become clear which is the more important: The treasures of the world or the treasures of the spirit." What I said to the Pharisees was also valid for all later times and will be so in the future as long as people live together in towns and villages and as long as religion and belief in a Supreme Being still dwell in their hearts. Just as a ruler is needed as a wordly sovereign, also a God is needed Who holds together the entire universe. Both are promoters and upholders of order and, therefore, also the sole lawgivers. Whatever the worldly rulers may be called, the executive power will always be assigned to one person only; and so also spiritually there can only be one ruler and not several gods. There have, of course, always been sovereigns who misused their power and others who would not accept any power above them, just as there have been individuals and nations who were not satisfied with one God, but created for themselves a multitude of gods and goddesses to enable them to follow their worldly passions comfortably. But also in such a case every action was sanctioned through divine decree. Thus there were, and still are, people who want no ruler, no God, except their own self. Still, whatever people's attitude, they have to pay tribute everywhere. If they want to be respected in their worldly life they have to give the worldly ruler part of their earnings, and to the spiritual ruler - GOD - they have to sacrifice all worldly passions, if they want to reach the goal He has set them. Everywhere punishment threatens if payment is not made -here worldly, there spiritual -, and so I was quite right when I told the Pharisees: "Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's and unto God the things that are God's", which means: "Fulfil both - your social and your spiritual obligations. Recognize your attitude as humans towards your fellowmen and the worldly ruler. However, do not forget what you owe to Him Who set you into the world and endowed you with talents of which He will one day demand the tithe or tribute - money. Do not mix both obligations trying to satisfy both in the one way, which is not possible. Neither of the worldly nor of the spiritual can you rid yourselves completely. The meaning you should derive from these words to the Pharisees is that you should not refuse to pay the tribute-money due to the world; however, this should be done without forfeiting that which is spiritual in your being and also without wishing to be all spirit while you still have to live on this earth globe in a physical body. It is of the greatest importance, both here in the earthly life as well as in the highest spirit life, to know the happy mean, so that a person may not go to extremes, which would be of no use to anybody, but only harm him and others. Therefore, you, too, should heed these words to the Pharisees, the deep meaning of which illuminates your earthly as well as your future life, so that a wrong conception may not bring forth absurd results. As I already explained, love as such would only be ruinous to the loving as well as to the beloved if it were not guided and tempered by wisdom. Thus any virtue -even the best - can become destructive when it strives beyond the bounds of feasibility. Do not ever forget in your earthly life to give the world what it is entitled to demand of you. Give to the world what is the world's, but do not allow worldly desires to penetrate the spiritual. Spiritualize, if you wish, all kinds of activities, but do not allow your sacred, spiritual qualities to become worldly since they have to last longer than just for this short pilgrim life. Give God what is God's. Do regard also your worldly possessions as gifts from heaven, but do not forget the eternal, permanent treasures on account of the worldly ones. Although world and God appear to be two quite different things with different objectives, it is still possible not only to satisfy both, but even to combine them, bearing in mind that the world was also created by God as a means of enhancing and fortifying the spiritual qualities of His beings thereby to lead back to its origin what is worldly gross or material. The world must be given its tribute, for it is a guide to the spiritual. As light is only appreciated when darkness is known, so the everlasting will be valued much more when one is familiar with the perishable, the world. The tribute-money you have to give the world consists in fighting its temptations, and besides, in the clear understanding of the real worth of its treasures, which can be used to advantage only if they can yield a spiritual product of love. And the material tribute to the emperor enables his subject to perform his work in peace thereby providing for his own and his family's welfare. Thus the judge looks after the common welfare and the citizen after his own. Therefore, temporal life is only the foundation for a higher structure, commenced on the rough stones of material reality and to be completed in the ultimate spiritual light elements of another, higher world. In order to reach the higher life, the worldly tribute-money must flow abundantly so that it may achieve a lot of good and sublime spiritually. In this way, that which is the emperor's, and that which is God's can be combined. This can only promote people's spiritual life and it corresponds to the true purpose for which I set you into the world equipped with so many diverse qualities - good and bad. Control the latter, they are meant to contribute towards strengthening the former and will make you into My spiritual image. Do heed the lesson which I have given you in this Gospel! There is a deep significance in it, from which the circumspect can gain rules for his whole life. He will then not demand extremes, neither of himself nor of his fellowman nor of the world, but will take the proper middle course and in paying the tribute-money will make it easier for his fellowman to produce the tribute. Thus he will fulfil his mission and My purpose for which I created spirits and matter; the latter, being the binding agent for the former, shall and must in the end dissolve and reunite what I set separately into the vast expanses of creation. By taking the middle course you, too, should strive to contribute towards spiritualizing the material, so as to justify My returning to the earth by your own and mankind's spiritualiza-tion. Then it will show what you have given to the emperor and what to God, and to what extent the proper measure and proper weight have prevailed. A union with Me and My spirit world can only take place when you have become capable of apprehending even the least of My words in its true, profound spiritual meaning. To achieve this, I use every possible means of showing you what is the world's or the emperor's. However, I also keep reminding you of what is God's or Mine, and how both, although separate, can be combined when proper understanding is followed by the right realization. Amen. Here are some sections of the chapter. For the whole spiritual text, archives and to enter the Sun Gate follow this link: Moldavite team
ETHERIC RESIN OF SACRA HOJARI Besides the Silver Sacra, Etheric resin of Sacra Hojari is one of the best quality Boswellia resins in the world. It is successfully growing in the mountainous part of Dhofar, which is the largest governorate located in the south part of Oman. Today and especially in the past, Dhofar was the most important source of the highest quality natural incense in the world. Some of the oldest Arab tribes are inhabiting this area speaking many different Semitic South Arabian languages. The subtropical climate allows mountainous area to be fully green during the 2 month period of the monsoon. Sacra trees recover during the rains and therefore are able to produce one of the highest quality Boswellia resin in the world - yellow, greenish Royal Hojari (grows in the Sultanate of Hogar). The intensity of the color depends on the quality of the harvest. Sacra also grows in Yemen and Somalia but can not be compared to the one growing in Hogar in terms of quality. The Hojari has a very sweet and pleasant smell due to favourable climatic conditions and sufficient rainfall. Etheric resin is distinguished also by its high purity, because it does not accumulate as much dust as on trees growing in other parts of the world. We are very pleased to offer this rare and high quality Etheric resin to the supporters of Moldavite Association.
COLOMBIAN EMERALD Colombian Emerald is one of the most beautiful green colored Crystals on our Planet. Excavated by the Muiscas and Aztecs who used it for jewellery (today it is mostly used for it's Spiritual purposes), highly desirable by all civilizations and cultures but it's mystical location in the Colombian Mountains gives it that special feature, which stirs up Spirits and wives people to seek it for thousands of years, despite all dangers they have to face. Emerald is the Stone of Hearth, by which we mean universal love and forgiveness and not partnership love. It's a very powerful tool that carries hope, compassion and harmony of all living beings. It heals body with its green aura and brings vitality to the Spirit. Emerald is the Stone of inspiration and endless patience, the master of oneness and unconditional love. For thousands of years Emerald has been the Central Stone of all cultures and civilisations. It was highly appreciated for its power and beauty. For Inkas and the Caledonians the Emerald was more valuable than Diamond. It was a symbol of Eternal life for the Egyptians. Aristotle, Alexander the Great, Cleopatra and Charlemagne and many more wore them as a talismans. Emerald has a strong effect on the Fourth Energy Centre (HEART chakra). It opens HEART, intensifies intuition and stimulates psychic abilities. Emerald helps you to see unseen, so further actions are accompanied by reason and Wisdom. It strengthens memory and purifies the taught. It’s an aphrodisiac that lifts the Energy level and affects all Energy Centres of Consciusness. If worn in the HEART area it brings emotional balance into your life. With Emerald we heal all problems connected with HEART, lungs, spine and muscles. It helps to recover from the inflectional diseases, eases problems with diabetes, rheumatism and sinuses. Emerald has proven to have purifying effect on the liver and the eye sight. It has been used for curing multiple sclerosis and epilepsy since the time of Aristotle. <3 Onohej Zlatove
THE LORD'S SERMONS »The parable of the unfaithful servant« I told My disciples how the lost can be saved by helping to better the erring and sinners without hurting their self-love. I gave them advice for the handling of the stubborn sinners as well as the not so stubborn. I further assured them that if two people who have become of one mind should ask for My blessing, I would never deny it to them. I told them that where two were together in My name I would be with them as the third, as the spirit of peace and unity. I pointed out to them that the penitent brother must be forgiven his sins, not just once but countless times to make his betterment possible. I told them that if they forgave a brother his sins in the spirit of tolerance, I, too, would forgive and forget them. I chose this extreme example of the unfaithful servant to prevent them from finding any excuse for being hard - not even with a single word, be it out of exaggerated zeal or genuine wrong judgment and intolerance where human errors are concerned. Thus I taught them to understand My forbearance and My boundless patience, proving to them why I let My sun rise above the good and the bad, because I am the essence of love and love does not want to punish but only to better. In this chapter you find a full illustration of human life as it is meant to be: How man, guided solely by love, should look up to Me with childlike trust, act always without deceit and mental reservation, with no other purpose in mind than to please Me, his Father, thus to become worthy of being called "My child". It is also shown how a person should keep awakening love with a child's simplicity, and that it would be a sin to repay with evil the good intended by a person who approached you with simplicity and trust. It also demonstrates how the love of one's neighbour is to be understood and how a person should endeavour to draw a brother's attention to his errors very gently, resorting only in the worst cases to strict measures, but always forgive, forget and, finally, even return good for evil. This chapter presents the entire spiritual mission of man, how he is to educate himself to become the child I want him to be, and how he is to influence his fellowmen and guide them to Me, so that in the beyond he will be what I had intended when I created the first man - My worthy image. In this way you should read and understand My Gospels; then My grace will enlighten you, and in the parables you will not see the hard bark of the tree of life but recognize the core of divine truth concealed behind it. In order to achieve this and comprehend what is concealed from the profane eye, it requires spiritual vision and deep insight. In this way the Bible becomes a source of help and light in all human circumstances, and the enlightened reader will find that for over a thousand years this book has preserved the greatest treasures to be mankind's sole guide and prove how I had already made provision in those times, that nothing would be lost of what was said for all times and eternities. Before long, people will be asked with greater severity whether they actually know what they are here for and whether they know why I came to this earth. Now the time has come to remove the "bark" of the letter and phrasing of My Gospels and to show men the brilliant stream of divine light under this seemingly hard bark, so that in these latter days they might still make up for their neglect of themselves and others to enable them to fulfil their mission. This is the reason for My numerous explanations and interpretations and for all these Sunday sermons, so that no one can say he had not known or understood this or that. I am the God of light, love and wisdom. One day, when I shall return, no darkness will be able to exist beside Me. Therefore, it must become light in the hearts of all men. They must all learn to love in order to be able to use this love, combined with wisdom, on their fellowmen. The reason for My words, the purpose of My warnings and the ultimate goal of My striving is to make you into My children and change the world once more into a paradise -as it was at the time of the first men - where there is neither hate nor anger or mockery, but only love, peace and tranquillity among all beings; and where man, the ultimate work of creation on earth, combines within him all the divine attributes. Here are some sections of the chapter. For the whole spiritual text, archives and to enter the Sun Gate follow this link: Moldavite team
Use of the Frontal Lobe Cortex, the part of the brain that we make decisions within, is what makes us intelligent. Without it we are hyperemotional, directionless, and weak. Suffering exists because weakness exists. Wise decisions minimize suffering and increase prosperous outcome. Mastering the self mentally is the beginning of the mastery of self physically. 🕉