Part lab, part incubator, Halcom Studio brings together an innovative crowd and facilitates turning best technology ideas into prototypes & products. Part lab, part incubator, Halcom Studio brings together an innovative crowd and facilitates turning best technology ideas into prototypes, most promising ones of which become commercial products.
Last year, 6 prototypes were developed within the walls of Halcom Studio, 2 of which are ready for commercial applications in this year, one on the highly developed Middle Eastern market.
Halcom Studio’s innovation activities predominantly take place within 3 distinct circles:
- In-house innovation,
- Cooperation with academic institutions and/or directly with interested students (e.g. DEMOLA or Bytes of Banking / Money Talks workshops),
- Research projects carried out under a national or supra-national umbrella (e.g. EU R&D programmes such as Horizon 2020).
Halcom provides the technology, project management and marketing (e.g. pitching) resources and training opportunities to those involved in the programme.
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facebook.com2nd Adriatic Fintech Hackathon
Here it is... Offical #AdriaticFinTech Hackathon Aftermovie! A big thank you to all the participants and partners for making this amazing event possible. Enjoy the video and see you next year! Banka SKB MakerLab Ljubljana microblink Nova KBM ICONOMI Bitstamp Hal mBills ABC Hub
Finančno-tehnološki maraton
#AdriaticFinTech Hackathon has been a success! Please LIKE&SHARE! Today on national TV: #GoodNews #RtvSlo #Hackathon
Znani zmagovalci drugega finančno-tehnološkega Hackathona
Good News spread fast! Read about #AdriaticFinTech in Računalniške novice (Computer / IT News, newspaper) #GoodNews!
2nd Adriatic FinTech Hackathon
Impressions from both days from the biggest Adriatic and Balkan FinTech Hackathon. #AdriaticFinTech. Foto: Siniša Kanižaj
Timeline Photos
#AdriaticFinTech is getting noticed by TV and other media! Thank you for sharing the good news before, during and after the event! #goodnews
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I HAVE WHAT IT TAKES! We believe all our teams have what it takes! They proved us they have what it takes to finish Hackathon – they are all still alive after 24 hours of non-stop hacking! But who will convince the jury that they have what it takes to: 1) Win the competition & 2) Get the title "The Best FinTech Hack" & 3) Win 10.000 euros? #AdriaticFinTech #TheBestFinTechHack #halcom #hacking #hack #hackhackhack #award #10000€
During the hacking night, Red Bull comes in handy :) Check (Red Bull Mind Gamers, igrica Mission: Unlock Enoch). #AdriaticFinTech #halcom #hackallnight #hackhackhack #itwillbeallworthit #nosleepforus #hackers
Photos from Halcom Studio's post
Hack Nr. 7: DIG CLOUD SIGNING Cloud signing solution enables 24/7 digital signing, independent of devices, operating systems, and browsers - from any internet-connected device from office, from home or on the way. Halcom CA challenged our teams to discover new possibilities and use-cases that cloud signing offers to the market worldwide. We are looking forward to see how the teams will make cloud signing even faster, easier and more user friendly! Powered by Halcom CA #FinTechHackaton #halcom #hackaton #cloud #signing #cloudsigning #signature #qualifieddigitalsigning #AdriaticFinTech
Photos from Halcom Studio's post
Hack Nr. 6: CHAT TO ORDER! The teams working for Atlantic Grupa d.d.. are making ordering experience of their products as simple as possible. They are challenged to develop an ordering assistant! Imagine how great it would be if their business partners can next time simply order and pay for their best-selling Montana sandwich with the simple chat. Our teams will enable them to do so! Powered by Atlantic Grupa d.d. #AdriaticFinTech #FinTechHackaton #halcom #hackaton #CHATBOTS #MOBILEPAYMENTS
Photos from Halcom Studio's post
Hack Nr. 5: TYPING IS OUT, LET’S OCR! These teams are thinking about how our OCR SDKs can help you eliminate manual data entry by using smartphone and other devices’ cameras to scan and read all sorts of text and numbers. Will the teams discover new possibilities and use-cases for mobile vision technology in Fintech applications? Yes, yes, yes!!! Powered by microblink #AdriaticFinTech #FinTechHackaton #halcom #hackaton #MOBILEVISION
WHAT THE HACK IS A HACKATON? Let's hear from the hackers: Dragan, Mateja, Klemen, Rok, Urban, Matej, Žiga, Jan, Jaka etc. :) #AdriaticFinTech #FinTechHackaton #halcom #hackaton #whatthehack #hack
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Hack Nr. 4: Hal mBills and IoT Teams working on this challenge are coming up with the best ideas of how the first Adriatic mobile wallet can spark a revolution when connecting payment platform with the IoT concept. Will our glasses of beer be automatically refilled at the local pub in the future? Will grocery be ordered automatically by our home fridges? Powered by Hal mBills #AdriaticFinTech #FinTechHackaton #halcom #hackaton #MOBILEPAYMENTS #IOT #mobilewallet #Adriaticregion #firstAdriaticmobilewallet