Vse živo v živo! Lepa Žoga (cafe/sports bar) translates into 'beautiful ball' – football expression for good pass, has grown from the only serious sports bar in Ljubljana to a place where we host different festivals, live concerts and Dj’s, and where locals and tourists alike meet at best Wednesdays Hotdogs in town or they hang at the terrace and sip from the various selection of drinks, taken with snacks. The atrium acts as a great spot for live concerts or Dj venue and it also serves fine for different festivals: Chilli festival, Moto Deluxe festival (Cafe Racer Vintage motorcycles), Šiška Deluxe (music festival) or Shappa DiaFest (travel festival), to name just a few. Hidden in the Šiška hill, we have independent Art Gallery, where we host occasional poets’ night or exhibitions. Recently we have opened Coffee pit stop for the bicycles on their way to/off work, with self-repairing station for the bikes. The place is also known locally for gourmet street food evenings, that we organize irregularly. Lepa Žoga is tucked away only a short walk from the centre, through Tivoli Park.
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Opening Hours
- ponedeljek
- 07:00 - 00:00
- torek
- 07:00 - 00:00
- sreda
- 07:00 - 00:00
- četrtek
- 07:00 - 00:00
- petek
- 07:00 - 00:00
- sobota
- 09:00 - 00:00
- nedelja
- 09:00 - 00:00
RECENT FACEBOOK POSTS #sreda 🖤😊10h do 14h #hodokteam 💪😎 #madeinšiška #lepazoga #leparoza #ljubljana #sonce #prijatelji
Vsak pon ob 17h! Dokler vsi ne zberemo vseh menjava sličic FIFA World Cup 2018 #lepažoga #madeinšiška
Hvala 🖤 #prijatelji #sosedje #žogarji #kolopark #feni #mimoidoči #stalni #hodokarji #teamzoga #ustvarjalci #znanci #terasa #feni #sport #friki #partyfriki #umetniki ... veliko vas je 😊 #weloveyouall 😘
#happybirthday #sweet16 #lepažoga #madeinsiska #madeinšiška @varazdinac hvala za torto 😘
Se vidimo cez par urc 😚 #sweet16 #birthday #lepazoga #madeinsiska 🍾😁🎤👠🍸😎 #hendricks #gin #thomashenry #craftbeer #madeinšiška #party @borissoundsystem @varazdinac
v soboto, to je že jutri, 😁 #sweet16, v #lepažoga #madeinšiška <DJ BAYO in ZEDS <SMOKER STAR REBRCA <CRAFT BEER GALLUS🍻 < HENDRICK'S GIN IN THOMAS HENRY TONIC PARTY 👠🕶👞🍸 začnemo ob 19.uri #FRIENDS #rojstnidan
Danes UEFA Champions League 20.45 Liverpool FC vs Manchester City FC Barcelona vs ROMA FC #ekranvelikan #lepažoga #madeinšiška
Danes 20.45 UEFA Champions League Juventus F.C. vs Real Madrid C.F. Sevilla FC vs FC Bayern München #ligaprvakov #lepažoga
Gazda si bo danes privoscil extra hot 😍
#placajzverzom #paywithapoem #poetryforchange #lepažoga #madeinšiška #lepazoga #ljubljana #najjači 🖤🖤🖤 #neighborhood Mark Jacob Cavazza @fejzokošir
Tole paše. #ježek #lepažoga

Gin o'clock #lepažoga #madeinšiška

We have a design, name and date to share with you: " 1826 krat po Celovški (1826 times down Celovška street)" it will take place on the 26.1. and it will be an easy overture into the racing aspect of Gwozdna Senichka. A crossover between a fake travelogue lecture and a display of mandatory urban skills and tricks, a guide into the pretty trades and skills of messlife. Stay tuned for more infos; note all events are NWW! #gwozdnasenichka #retrorats #bombtrack #divide #dobravila #musguard #picibici #madeinšiška #messlife #pizzaeverything #fgcx #sscx

Best Xmas3 of this,ups,last year #creativeminds #lepažoga

How many iconic races from your region can you name? We'll try to rein-act two of them; the legendary Fedr Marathon and the first Down-hill from Šišenski Hrib, all done on FGCX or SS. Do you have what it takes, punk? This week we'll release all the dates, data and rules of the race. Follow us kids... #gwozdnasenichka #retrorats #bombtrack #divide #dobravila #musguard #picibici #madeinšiška #messlife #pizzaeverything #fgcx #sscx

After a looooooong day of traveling, this was well deserved (I think). #beer #StieglWeisse #Ljubljana #Slovenia #travel #travelling #igtravel #matka #matkailu #Maadventures #lonelyplanet #bbctravel #iamtb #wanderout #earthcapture #kilroyfinland #livetravelchannel #TLpicks #travelgram #thisismyeurope #visitljubljana #ifeelsLOVEnia #thisisslovenia #ljubljanainyourpocket #igslovenia #slovenia_ig

#koloparksiska #lepazoga #skategirl #flora #repairkit #skatepark

Gremo na sonce ☉☕ #lepažoga #madeinšiška #kolopark #pumptrack #coffee #terasa #kava #ljubljana
