Natura eco camp
Escape from everyday madness and find yourself in nature. Find yourself in Natura Eco Camp.
Just close enough to deep forests to arouse your primal instincts and just far enough from the city to still feel like you’re at home. In beautiful surroundings only a stone's throw from Kranjska Gora, Natura eco camp provides a wonderful background for your R&R, and takes measures to ensure this environment will stay pristine for as long as possible.
Ravno prav blizu osrčja gozdov, da v sebi prebudite prvinskost, in ravno prav daleč od mesta, da se počutite kot doma. Natura eco camp le streljaj od Kranjske Gore nudi čudovito okolje za oddih v naravi in hkrati skrbi, da bo to okolje ostalo neokrnjeno čim dlje.
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🍁 🍂 🍁 Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower. 🍁 🍂 🍁 Albert Camus
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📢 Dear Natura Eco Camp friends! 📢 We want to inform you that Natura eco camp is closed for this season. We wish to thank everyone who was a part of our story in any way and we welcome you to visit us next year again. Hope to see you! Natura Eco Camp team 🍀 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 📢 Dragi prijatelji Nature Eco Camp! 📢 Želimo vas obvestiti, da je letošnja sezona v Natura eco camp zaključena. Zahvalili bi se vsem, ki ste bili del naše zgodbe tako ali drugače in vas hkrati vabimo, da se nam pridružite naslednjo leto. Upamo, da se vidimo! Ekipa Natura Eco Camp 🍀
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~ If we had a keen vision of all that is ordinary in human life, it would be like hearing the grass grow or the squirrel's heart beat, and we should die of that roar which is the other side of silence. ~ George Eliot ☀ 🐾 ❀ Poletnega sonca še ni konec, zato vas Natura eco camp vabi, da se nam pridružite še v septembru! Summer`s sun is not over yet, that`s why Natura eco camp is inviting you to join also in September! ❀ 🐾 ☀
Kranjska Gora
Natura eco camp vam priporoča ogled prekrasnega naravnega rezervata - Zelenci, v bližini Kranjske Gore. #NaturaEcoCamp recommend you to visit Natural reserve - Zelenci, beautiful spot near Kranjska Gora. 🌿 Ne poznam v Evropi nič lepšega, je zapisal Sir Humphry Davy o lepotah Savske doline z njenimi slapovi in jezeri. 🌿 🌿 There is nothing more beautiful in Europe than this, wrote Sir Humphry Davy about the beauties of the Sava Valley with its waterfalls and lakes. 🌿
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Thousands of tired, nerve-shaken, over-civilized people are beginning to find out going to the mountains is going home; that wilderness is a necessity. John Muir 🌿 🐝 Natura eco camp vam želi lep začetek novega tedna; #NaturaEcoCamp is wishing you a beautiful start of a brand new week! 🐞 🌿
Photos from Natura eco camp's post
~ There is something of the marvelous in all things of nature. ~ Aristotle 💐 Dobrodošli v Natura eco camp, v naše kraljestvo v naravi. Welcome to Natura eco camp, to our kingdom in nature. 💐 ⛺
Natura eco camp's cover photo
Natura eco camp's cover photo
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No creature is fully itself till it is, like the dandelion, opened in the bloom of pure relationship to the sun, the entire living cosmos. D.H. Lawrence 🌿 🐞 Natura eco camp is wishing you a beautiful day, make a #wish! 🌿 🐝
Natura eco camp's cover photo
Find the best place and pitch a tent! Natura eco camp is waiting for you. 🍀 #nature #mountainbiking #kranjskagora #camping #mountains #relax #slovenia #alps #glamping #cycling #outdoors #adventure #hiking #travel #summer #camp #explore #backpacking #friends #climbing #wanderlust #tent #campfire #beautiful #landscape #trekking #trip #fun #sun #wilderness
Natura eco camp's cover photo
💐 Zagotovite si svoje mesto v zavetju gozda za spomlad/poletje in jesen v letu 2016 v Natura eco camp-u! Book yourself a place in nature for the spring/summer/autumn 2016 in Natura eco camp! 💐
Natura eco camp's cover photo
We are happy to announce that Natura eco camp will open the door on the 1st of May. 🍢 Life is a picnic and we are happy campers! 🍀
Sauna #campinglife #camplifeisthebestlife #glamcamp #econatura #healthylife #kranjskagora #sloveniannature #slovenia #ig_worldclub #ig_europe #igworld #igslovenia #ignature #igphoto #photographerslife #photographer #photographerslifestyle

Somethimes the most productive thing you can do is Relax. #nature #forest #romanticbedrooms #trees #relaxingplace #camplifeisthebestlife #camping #nature_perfection #igslovenia #econatura #kranjskagora #igearth #ig_worldclub #ignature #igphoto #photographerslife #photographer #photographerslifestyle #greennature

Romantic bedroom on a tree.. Ahh #tree #forest #nature #nature_perfection #romantic #sloveniannature #camping #econatura #kranjskagora #igslovenia #camplifeisthebestlife #camplifestyle #photographer #photographerslife #photographerslifestyle #wow_australia #igworldclub #igearth #ig_worldclub #ignature #igphoto

More camping like this please 🙌🏼🏕🌲 #glamping #slovenia #naturaecocamp #intothewoods #zomervanmijnleven #roadtripping #nature #natureperfection #vacay #camping #travelbug #bucketlist #wanderlust #zovijf #soflair #instablogger #igersbelgium

Hello Natura Eco Camp! Slovenia Vol.14 #slovenia #krajnskagora #naturaecocamp
