PLES OB DROGU! Vadba, ki je kot nalašč ustvarjena za žensko populacijo. Izboljšajte svoje fizične sposobnosti ter samozavest na najbolj zabaven način! Ples ob drogu je vedno bolj razširjena zvrst vadbe, tako pri nas kot tudi drugod po svetu. Je vadba, ki vključuje ples, aerobiko, fitnes in akrobatiko.
Ne skrbite, če mislite, da niste dovolj močne ali gibčne, da bi poizkusile tovrsten način vadbe. Z učenjem osnovnih elementov počasi pridobivamo na moči in fleksibilnosti.
Vabljene vse, ki si želite poizkusiti nekaj drugačnega.
Vendar pozor! Lahko vas zasvoji! ;)
Tell your friends
facebook.comNedeljska delavnica akrojoge z Lea Str. Hvala Danijel Rihtarič ker si nas sprejel v svoje prostore in hvala vsem udelezenim za odlicno energijo, super je bilo!👌 ponovimo kmalu😉🤸🏼♀️🤸🏽♂️🤸🏼♀️ #acroyoga #leastrnisa
We love with this combo😍
Yesss she did it! 😍 🌈 #rainbowmarchenko by our Teja 🙌
Couldn't miss an opportunity to visit gorgeous Pole fit Dubai studio while staying here in Dubai. And even more --- to take a lesson with one of my favorite polers @annamaijanyman! She sure is one of a kind! 😍 Couldn't go without @poledancerka shorts!❤️
...and shapes...
Ana ♥️
Our rising star ⭐️ Manca
Perfect allegra 👌 Teja
This is how you feel after pulling a move you desired for a long time! 😂 Katja&Moni

Middle-split-thing-with-no-hands-on-pole (with @teja_burgar ’s help 🖤): ta-daaa!! ✨ . . . #poledance #polemove #poletrick #poledancer #pdnation #poledancenation #poledancersofig #poledancersofinstagram #polesplit #pdsplit #pdmiddlesplit #polesport #poleflexibility #flexibility


Can you see my happiness? 🤗 Beautiful Tear 💧 created by even more beautiful @teasrsen 💘 Can’t wait to start training again! • • • #pdtear #polemove #poledancenation #poledancestudiom #poledancemotivation #poledance #polelove #polefitness #polesport #poledancersofig #poledanceart #lover_poledance #unitedbypole

Be thankful for each new challenge. Thank you Maja Pirc #pole #poldance #polenation #fun #poledancer #trening #flexibility #polepose #poleart #poledancersofinstagram #strength

📸: @poledancerka pull up pull down brazil shorts by @poledancerka #ilovemylife #poledance #poledancing #poledancer #polesport #polemove #poletrick #poledancersofig #fit #poledancersofinstagram #polepose #poledancepicture @poledancersofinstagram

🦄 - - - #poledance #poledancer #poledancersofig #poledancersofinstagram #powerpolesports #poleart #polesport #polepose #poletrick #poletrickoftheday #polesplit #flexibility #strength #training #fitness

Her job was to turn everything upside down to see what might fall out! ☝️ - - - #poledance #poledancer #handstand #polestand #onehandstand #strenght #polepose #poletrick #polemotivation #poleinspiration #poleart #polefitness #polesport #powerpolesports

It always seems impossible until it’s done ✨ #poledance #pledancer #poledanceslovenia #polelife #poleart #poleartist #poledancepose #poledancersofig #poledancenation #fitness #polefitness #polefun #poledancing #polesport #polelife #fitnessmotivation

Having fun first time acro yoga with @stlea #firsttime #acroyoga #ilovemylife #fit #fun #happy

❤️ - - - #poledancing #poledance #poledancer #poleart #polesplit #split #polefitness #poledancemotivation #poletrick #powerpolesports #pdmirrorimage #weekendpowerpoleproject

An awesome day meant for splits 👊 . . . #pdallegra #pdextendedallegra #poledance #poledancer #poledancing #polefitness #pdsplit #polemotivation #active #unitedpoleartists #poleart #fitnessmotivation #poleinstructor #poledancenation #motivation #fitmotivation #activelife #fit #fitgirlmotivation #split #flexibility #flexy #training #workout

Achievement unlocked 🗝 #poledance #poledancer #poledancenation #pdcocoon #pdscorpio #flexibility #polemove #pdinsideleghang #poletrick #backflexibility #femalemotivation #motivation #progress

#pole #polefit #polerina #poledance #dance #poleart #art #polelove #love #workout #polefitness #poledancing #polepower #polegirls #poletricks #polesport #poletrick #elegant #tattoo

Ilovepole❤️ #pole #poleart #polefun #polemove #poledance #poledancing #poledancer #poledancenation #poledancersofig #poledancersofinsta #poledancefitness #polefitness #strenght #power #fitness #polefitness #polesport #poleyogini #yogini #dance #fly #polemove
