Info point for all those who want to study or work at the University of Primorska.
Here to help and support! Information Point for foreign university students and teachers who want to study or work at the University of Primorska (INFO POINT)
Info Point is the general contact for foreign candidates and students at the University of Primorska - the first place where students can get general information about studying at UP and stay on the Coast and in Slovenia, and in particular the place where contacts for their different substantive issues can be found, for example questions about course contents (referral to the responsible person of the chosen faculty), questions about student nutrition (a referral to a competent organization), questions about transport, etc.
Info Point has a coordinating and linking function for all members of the University of Primorska (UP), considered as a support system for all foreign students at UP before, during and after arriving to study in Slovenia. Info Point helps to integrate into a new environment and a successful study.
Informacijska točka za tuje visokošolske študente in učitelje, ki želijo študirati ali delati na Univerzi na Primorskem (INFO TOČKA)
Info točka je splošni kontakt za kandidate in študente iz tujine – prvo mesto, kjer lahko dobijo splošne informacije o študiju na UP in bivanju na Obali in v Sloveniji ter predvsem referenčne kontakte za njihova različna vsebinska vprašanja, npr. vprašanja o študijskih vsebinah – napotitev na pristojno osebo na izbrani fakulteti, vprašanja o študentski prehrani – napotitev na pristojno organizacijo, vprašanja o prevozu – informacije o prevoznikih in dobrih praksah itd.
Info točka ima koordinacijsko in povezovalno funkcijo za vse članice Univerze na Primorskem (UP), velja kot podporni sistem za vse tuje študente na UP, ki jim pred, ob in po prihodu na študij v Slovenijo pomaga pri vključevanju v novo okolje in uspešnemu študiju.
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