Balkan Rivers Tour
Biggest European River conservation action that will join all River lovers into one big crowd that will have good times all along the route.
Project Balkan Rivers Tour aims to raise awareness about the beauty of the Balkan Rivers and the threats they are facing. Led by former Slovenian Olympic athlete Rok Rozman and founder of Leeway Collective, first the initiative has grown to the movement connecting kayakers, flyfishers and river lovers.
In 2016 we presented 23 river stretches, the most pristine and most endangered ones. This year we are presenting you two rivers, but those two from the source all the way down till they reach the sea. There are many problems, existing and potential, and we want to put the light on those. Join us for the action on Soča river, Slovenia, and Morača river Montenegro.
Together we can make the change!
Tell your friends
facebook.comZa vse, ki decembra niste bili v Ljubljani na TEDx-u, ali pa bi radi Rokov govor o naših dogodivščinah slišali še enkrat, zdaj je online in pripravljen na deljenje ;) You can now listen to Roks TEDx talk from last December. Its in Slovenian though so all foreign speakers good luck there ;) #balkanriverstour #tedxljubljana #nodams #lotsoffun
From the cold snow in the mountains to the warm water in the hot springs and everything in between, we wish you a happy Word Water Day! #balkanriverstour #worldwaterday #celebrate
A fresh interview about our actions to protect the last free flowing rivers in Europe in Globetrotter Ausrüstung. For all German speakers there is some behind the scene and philosophy words by Rok. Check it, connect with us and don't forget to sign the petition here #globetrotter #thedamtruth #dirtyhydro #blueheart
NO INVESTMENT MONEY = NO DAMS! It is as simple as that 🤓 Every Goliath has an Achilles heel. So how can we all deliver a little punch to it? Pretty simple, just sign the petition Patagonia just launched and urge the banks to stop investing money into destruction of last wild rivers of Europe. Together we can make it! Share this as much as you can! #thedamtruth #savetheblueheart #balkanrivers #nodams
NE DAMO NAŠE RIJEKE = WE WON'T GIVE YOU OUR RIVER! It is the International Day of Action for Rivers. Many cool things for the rivers are happening around the world today! You can join one or you can just make your own. Use your imagination and creativity; you can talk about the importance of free flowing rivers with your friends, you can start little action for protection of your home river or just send a special email to a corrupt decision maker. You will know what to do 😉 Let the force be with us on this great day! #balkanriverstour #actionforrivers #nodams #freeflow
Another great chance to get engaged and help a local initiative fight their fight! Rijeka Bukovica is a stunning river in Montenegro, packed with biodiversity and cool whitewater; and now it is in danger of being dammed. Project backgrounds suggest corruption and money we really need to let them destroy everything beautiful left on this planet just to make more money? Sign the petition, it will sure give the river defenders a louder voice! #nodams #bukovica #montenegro #balkanriverstour
Attention all 🎣! If you are tired of watching fishing films packed with illusional drama and zero story this is something for you. Our friends from Brothers On the Fly just released the film that shows stunning Una river in Bosnia and highlights the fight for keeping it free flowing. Pristine beauty, underwater shots, local stories, experts and huchen packed in 30 mins. By buying the rights to stream it you also donate 1% to one of the NGOs fighting for Una. #unatheone #brothersonthefly #nodams #hucho
This is direct action for rivers! Eight months ago a group of women from the Kruščica River valley in Bosnia formed a road blockade, preventing hydro workers from continuing work on the dam that would destroy their river. Special forces police were sent in and after a confrontation some of the women were taken to the hospital. The next day, the injured women returned to the blockade. Their determination is what fuels the paddling and protesting of the Balkan Rivers Tour. So committed to defending their river, the blockade is still going strong. Together, let's get these ladies to their goal. Let's surpass their goal! If you have ever wished to do something to help, this is your chance to support these brave women who are out there, literally standing up to corruption, violence and the invasion of their rivers! #nodams #kruscicariver #bravewomen #resistance
Slovenci, zdaj imate vsi priložnost, da se angažirate! V javni razgrnitvi je Energetski koncept Slovenije. Ker ministrstva stalno ignorirajo naravovarstvene organizacije so se pri @moja mura odločili, da pripravijo razglednico s ključno zahtevo, da se v EKS zapiše, da reka Mura NI predmet energetske izrabe. Kako lahko pomagate? Shranite spodnjo sliko in jo pošljite na elektronski naslov ter v vednost (CC) Namen akcije je, da pošljemo na MzI čim več teh razglednic. Pošiljanje je možno do jutri 2.3.2018 do polnoči! Vzelo vam bo 5 min, vpliv pa bo velik. Hvala!
Dams turn rivers to lakes. They kill the essence of the river - flow. So what happens when they open up a dam to repair it? Check it yourself. Recent release of dam Podselo, first dam on Soča river, Slovenia, exposed the long-flooded canyons of Soča and Idrijca together with all the dirty secrets of hydro power. This is an opportunity to deepen your perspective on reservoirs, now share it to help others. #balkanriverstour #dirtyhydro #damrelease #socavalley #freesoca
A paddle can be a powerful tool. When we paddle, people listen. And we aren't going to let ecocide happen on our rivers! #balkanriverstour #paddlingprotests #ecotourismnotecocide
A year ago today an amazing person and true rainbow warrior said goodbye to this world. She left behind a stunning legacy and her spirit is luckily still very alive. We are deeply grateful to have spent some unforgettable moments with her. We feel humbled and honored that she passed us the baton in the relay of passionate nature conservation. Her words are our inspiration when the going get tough. Anka had a power – a power of humanity. Let's all look up to that! #ankatasmanka #tasmania #franklinriver #deeprespect