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Škocjan Caves Park, Slovenia

Matavun 12, Divaca, Slovenia
Historical Place



The Škocjan Caves are the only natural location in Slovenia and the Classical Karst region on UNESCO’s list of world heritage sites.



For two more weeks you are kindly invited to visit the paintings exhibition of Vladimir Vatovec from Famlje, a local amateur painter, in the Pr' K'ščaki gallery in the village of Betanja.

If you are interested in proteus, this is a "must read". Glad to share. :)

With a slight delay, we share the news of the successful event of the Tular Cave Laboratory on the July 21 in Vipava Valley where the president of the Republic of Slovenia symbolically supported the reintroduction of a proteus that was pulled out due to high waters in its natural environment. We are honored to have been invited to this symbolic event in support of long-term proteus protection.


WARNING AND APPEAL FOR HELP Dear visitors of the Škocjan Caves Park. We are very glad of your visit to our site with which you show support to our nature-protected area, its national cultural monuments, protection of UNESCO World Heritage Site and Biosphere Reserve as well as Ramsar Site. With the aim to maintain the integrity and recognized qualities of this area, safety of its inhabitants and their private property as well as safety of our visitors, there are some regulations in the area that we try to apply by guided tours and monitoring work of our staff. This is why in the past month we took notice of increased disappearance of stones from walls in Škocjan village. It is possible that they are been thrown in the nearby Okroglica abyss. The other possibility is that they are stolen to be used in construction works on other locations. However, this leads to destruction of private property, destruction of national settlement cultural monument, potentially endanger nesting birds and nevertheless potentially endanger the safety of our visitors as well. Therefore, we call upon potential eyewitnesses to try to prevent this kind of doings and/or report them to the Park’s staff. In addition, we call upon visitors and/or locals who are kin on this behavior to stop with it. Thank you for your understanding. Škocjan Caves Park Management

PRIMEVAL BEECH FORESTS OF THE CARPATHIANS AND OTHER REGIONS OF EUROPE Since a few days ago, the transboundary extension of the World Heritage site of the Primeval Beech Forests of the Carpathians and the Ancient Beech Forests of Germany (Germany, Slovakia, Ukraine) was confirmed. Now the primeval beach forest WH site stretches over 12 countries. One of them is Slovenia, with a small part lying on the border of our buffer zone. Since the end of the last Ice Age, European beech spread from a few isolated refuges in the Alps, Carpathians, Mediterranean and Pyrenees over a short period of a few thousand years in a process that is still ongoing.

We share the timetable of guided tours to our nearby Divača Cave which is located app. 10 min away by car near the road to the village of Lokev.

On your way around our educational trail or simply through our villages, you will be may be interested to find out that there is an interesting gallery waiting for you in Betanja.

CONCERT UNDERNEATH THE MULBERRY TREES This Thursday, July 6, at 20.30 you are kindly invited to the »Music Evening underneath the Mulberry Trees« at the Promotion and Congress Centre Pr Nanetovh (Matavun 8, Škocjan Caves Park). Members of the vocal group Elum from Postojna will perform folk songs in theirs and a bit modified version. Guests will be able to hear some fun and some true classical choral songs as well.

Jamarsko društvo Gregor Žiberna Divača

While waiting for the report we share the photos of the expedition in our caves past Saturday done by the Speleological Society of Divača. Take a look of some parts of our caves that probably you will never be able to see by yourself and the size of the support group of cavers from different sister societies needed for the transportation of the equipment. We as well thank all the participants for their efforts and work.

Jamarsko društvo Gregor Žiberna Divača

Jamarsko društvo Gregor Žiberna Divača

A lot of things are happening this weekend. The one we simply must mention on our English FB site is that tomorrow members of Speleological Society Gregor Žiberna Divača will attempt once more the expedition in the siphon of Škocjan Caves wishing to connect our cave with the Kačna jama (Snake Cave). Of course underground. We wish them good work and suitable water level.

Jamarsko društvo Gregor Žiberna Divača

SUBMISSION OF THE SERIAL NOMINATION FILE FOR THE UNESCO LIST OF INTANGIBLE CULTURAL HERITAGE With quite a big time gap, which shows how busy we are with all the activities we carry out :), we announce the submission of the serial nomination file for the Unesco intangible cultural heritage list of »The Art of Dry Stone: Knowledge and Techniques« at the end of March this year. Slovenia joined Croatia, Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, Spain and Switzerland in this effort. Our public agency was involved in the process as well. Keep the fingers crossed for us.


BLIZU Škocjan Caves Park, Slovenia