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Zik Črnomelj

Ulica Otona Zupančiča 1, Crnomelj, Slovenia



Filmski spored Kina Črnomelj najdete na Institute for education and culture Črnomelj (ZIK Črnomelj) was founded by the municipality of Črnomelj in 1959. The institute was founded with the purpose of promoting development of adult education, cinematographic and culture activities.

The institute consists of two units, namely ZIK – Institute for adult education and ZIK – Culture Centre. Its head office is in the building of Culture Centre Črnomelj, a building of national culture importance, at Ulica Otona Župančiča 1 in Črnomelj.

In ZIK Črnomelj nine people are employed for the indefinite duration and one for fixed-term. Among full-time employees, three hold a MA degree, three a university degree and two employees have a higher education diploma. The two other employees are technicians. Each year two to four participants in various public works programmes work in the institute besides full-time employees; and everyone benefits from these programmes, unemployed participants on one side, as well as providing organisation and the wider public on the other. Each year a lot of work is performed by around 40 to 60 temporary employees, who have the necessary knowledge, skills, will and experience for achieving commonly set objectives.

ZIK is active in Bela krajina region, namely in its three municipalities of Črnomelj, Metlika and Semič. The 69 percent of adult education participants come from municipality of Črnomelj, 21 percent from the municipality of Metlika and 10 percent from the municipality of Semič. It is involved in development of new educational programmes, providing advice to adults, promoting cultural events and development of diverse cultural creativity. The users of its services are people of all ages who wish to increase their education level, who want to learn, spend their time with others and visit various cultural events.

ZIK plays an important role in the environment, because it gives its mark to the learning community. It takes initiatives for new projects, encourages partnerships, contributes to development of lifelong learning programmes, it also emphasizes the richness of diversity, respect for each and every individual and development of the community. It offers quality knowledge, its applicability in real-life situations, and accessibility of education to everyone, especially the vulnerable groups.

ZIK has a more than 50-year tradition which points to its constancy and strong links with the environment and on the other hand its adjustability, since it is constantly accepting new challenges.

In the last decade ZIK has recorded a decline of programmes regarding formal education and an increase of non-formal education programmes and different projects. Therefore now ZIK provides primary school for adults only, but programmes for vocational and secondary education are not carried out any more.

ZIK is also a study centre for higher education programmes: vocational college Inter-es – study program Economist, Faculty of Economics Ljubljana – Business School Study Programme as distance learning programme, Faculty of Education Ljubljana – higher vocational programme of Preschool Education.

Language training for adults represents an important part of ZIK education offer. ZIK is an authorised examination organisation of Centre for Slovene as a second/foreign language at the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana. ZIK is also an authorised examination organisation of National Examinations Centre for carrying out external foreign-language exams in accordance with publicly recognized educational programmes for adults. ZIK is also organising language courses (especially German and English) for leading companies in Bela krajina.



JUMANJI: DOBRODOŠLI V DŽUNGLI v Kinu Črnomelj! SOBOTA, 30. 12., ob 19.00. Več o sporedu filmov v Kinu Črnomelj najdete na

BIKEC FERDINAND v Kinu Črnomelj! SOBOTA, 30. 12., ob 17.00. Več o sporedu filmov v Kinu Črnomelj najdete na

PRAVA NOTA 3 (Pitch Perfect 3) v Kinu Črnomelj! PETEK, 29. 12., ob 18.00. Več o sporedu filmov v Kinu Črnomelj najdete na

JUMANJI: DOBRODOŠLI V DŽUNGLI v Kinu Črnomelj! ČETRTEK, 28. 12., ob 18.00. Več o sporedu filmov v Kinu Črnomelj najdete na

BIKEC FERDINAND v Kinu Črnomelj! ČETRTEK, 28. 12., ob 10.00. Več o sporedu filmov v Kinu Črnomelj najdete na

PRAVA NOTA 3 (Pitch Perfect 3) v Kinu Črnomelj! SOBOTA, 23. 12., ob 19.00. Več o sporedu filmov v Kinu Črnomelj najdete na

MENJAVA BOŽIČKOV v Kinu Črnomelj! SOBOTA, 23. 12., ob 17.00. Več o sporedu filmov v Kinu Črnomelj najdete na

TONČEK - MAMA KAJ DNS NEBO DANA? v Kinu Črnomelj! PETEK, 22. 12., ob 18.00. Več o sporedu filmov v Kinu Črnomelj najdete na

Še drugič in zadnjič letos se nam lahko pridružite v Belokranjski plesni hiši :)

V torek, 5. 12. 2017, smo prvič letos zaplesali v Belokranjski plesni hiši. Tradicionalna ZIK-ova brezplačna delavnica ljudskih plesov, ki popestri decembrske večere, je ponovno privabila lepo število belokranjskega plesa željnih udeležencev. Za živo muziko so poskrbeli tamburaši Folklorne skupine Dragatuš. Pridružite se nam ponovno v ponedeljek, 11. 12. 2017, ob 18.00 na odru Kulturnega doma Črnomelj.


BLIZU Zik Črnomelj

Društvo Dom

Crnomelj, Slovenia
Non-profit organization


Crnomelj, Slovenia
Sports & Recreation