Kanardia is developing and producing high performance avionics for ultralight airplanes, helicopters and autogyros.
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Opening Hours
- ponedeljek
- 08:00 - 16:00
- torek
- 08:00 - 16:00
- sreda
- 08:00 - 16:00
- četrtek
- 08:00 - 16:00
- petek
- 08:00 - 16:00
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DIGI, an affordable engine information system which can be used as a standalone instrument or in conjunction with NESIS or EMSIS.
Hiking trip to Mrzlica
Kanardia's first hiking trip
Timeline Photos
Round slave variometer (vertical speed indicator). Requires I-ALT or EMSIS PFD or NESIS to be present on the CAN bus.
Kanardia - Maps
April's update sectional aeronautical raster charts for United States are available on our website at http://www.kanardia.eu/downloads/maps
Friedrichshafen aero trade show
Some highlights from aero 2017. Much thanks to all the visitors, friends and customers who came to see our stand.
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Here is a little teaser from our head up display prototype. Come and see it live at aviation trade fair in Friedrichshafen. We will be located in hall B2 stand 124.
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We would like to invite all our friends and flight enthusiasts to visit us at Europe‘s largest general aviation trade fair in Friedrichshafen. We will be located in hall B2 stand 124 and will show our new state of the art EFIS Aetos and autopilot Amigo.
Kanardia - Maps
March update sectional aeronautical raster charts for United States are available on our website at http://www.kanardia.eu/downloads/maps
Timeline Photos
You can get our airspeed indicator in 2 versions: -Round standalone (master) airspeed indicator with internal pressure sensors. -Round slave airspeed indicator. Requires I-ALT-IAS or EMSIS PFD or NESIS to be present on the CAN bus.
Timeline Photos
Tuesday morning testing of the instruments.
Aetos render
New instrument coming in may
Kanardia - Maps
February's update sectional aeronautical raster charts for United States are available on our website at http://www.kanardia.eu/downloads/maps