Turistična kmetija Frelih - Tominc
We offer bed and breakfast accommodation. Brezje is known for its pilgrimage church and the painting of Mary Our Help that draws people from near and far who seek comfort and peace. The Tominc farm stands at the edge of the village, open to the west with a view of the Jelovica, Pokljuka, and Triglav mountain ranges. Ivanka Frelih serves her guests a variety of homemade food: fresh vegetables, various meats, milk and diary products, jams, compotes, and dried fruit along with herbal beverages, syrups, brandies, and must. Guests can help with the farm work, hike in the nearby mountains, attend various events in nearby Radovljica, Bohinj, and Bled throughout the year, go gliding and paragliding from the Lesce recreational airport, and ski at the Vogel and Kobla ski resorts in winter.
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facebook.comNa vrtu se končno lahko posladkamo tudi s sočnimi hruškami!
Čudovite barve poletja in lep sončen pozdrav iz Brezij!
Adrenalinski športi in posebna doživetja! https://www.facebook.com/altersport.si/?fref=ts
Danes je super dan za nabiranje čemaža, ki izboljša splošno počutje in prežene spomladansko utrujenost. Z nekaj domišljije lahko ustvarite neskončno paleto jedi. Mi smo se odločili za okusen skutin namaz.
"Kdor zaseje vrt, zaseje ljubezen"
Bazilika Marije Pomagaj / Basilica of Mary Help of Christians in Brezje
Včeraj smo na 18. srečanju članov Združenja turističnih kmetij Slovenije izvedeli nekaj zanimivega o Slow food-u na turističnih kmetijah. SLOW FOOD je zdrava in čista hrana, zaščita tradicije in starih semen. V Sloveniji je odlična ponudba slow food-a na domačiji Butul. http://butul.net/
Come to the Chocolate Days in Radovljica! The 5th Chocolate Festival will be held for three days in April. So that you will be able to enjoy the festival to the fullest, we are offering you accommodation for only 20 euros or bed and breakfast already for 25 euros. Reseravations on: ivanka.frelih@telemach.net Visit the Festival in the old town centre of Radovljica and taste, smell and see chocolate in a variety of forms, tastes and colours on: Friday , April 15 between 15:00 and 20:00 Saturday , April 16 between 9:00 and 20:00 and Sunday , April 17 between 9:00 and 19:00. The festival will be even bigger and sweeter than last year. It will take place at eight locations and offer even more fun. https://www.facebook.com/events/186969541674791/
V aprilu bo v Radovljici potekal že 5. Festival čokolade, ki bo tako kot lani trajal kar tri dni. Da pa ga boste lahko v celoti užili, vam pri nas ponujamo namestitev. Prenočišče že za 20 evrov, prenočišče z zajtrkom pa že za 25 evrov. Rezervacije na mail: ivanka.frelih@telemach.net 5. Festival čokolade v Radovljici bo postregel ne le s čokolado in čokoladnimi izdelki, ampak tudi s pestrim programom za vse generacije. Vabljeni: v petek, 15. aprila med 15.00 in 20.00, v soboto, 16. aprila med 9.00 in 20.00 in v nedeljo, 17. aprila med 9.00 in 19.00. Festival bo še večji in še bolj sladek kot lansko leto. Odvijal se bo na osmih prizoriščih in ponujal še več zabave. https://www.facebook.com/events/186969541674791/
Only 9 days left till FIS World Cup Ski Jumping Final in Planica. If you need accommodation, you can stay at our Guest House for only 20 euros per night per person, and for only 25 euros with breakfast. http://www.turisticnekmetije.si/tominc-frelih https://www.facebook.com/events/969823353071757/