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IBFF World Championship Brežice 2018

, Brezice, Slovenia
Stadium, Arena & Sports Venue



Bodybuilding and fitness competitors from all around the globe will be in 2018 giving their best performance in Sports Hall Brežice (Slovenia) where IBFF World Championship will take place on June 16th 2018. Performing in 22 different categories, the whole-day competition will finish off with Saturday's evening spectacular PRO performances. More information will be available soon.

Bodybuilding in fitnes tekmovalci iz vsega sveta se bodo prihodnje leto pomerili v Športni dvorani Brežice, kjer bo 16. junija 2018 potekalo IBFF Svetovno prvenstvo. Tekmovanje bo potekalo v kar 22 različnih kategorijah, celodnevno dogajanje pa se bo zaključilo s spektakularnimi PRO nastopi sobotnega večera. Več informacij bo na voljo kmalu.



The official IBFF World Championship Brežice 2019 T-shirts are made. What are you saying, would you wear it? Spominske majice IBFF Svetovnega prvenstva Brežice 2019 so narejene. Bi jo nosil tudi ti?

The official IBFF World Championship Brežice 2019 T-shirts are made.
What are you saying, would you wear it?

Spominske majice IBFF Svetovnega prvenstva Brežice 2019 so narejene.
Bi jo nosil tudi ti?

IBFF World Championship Brežice 2019

Natančno dva meseca pred pričetkom IBFF Svetovnega prvenstva v fitnesu in bodybuildingu, ki bo 19. oktobra potekalo v Večnamenska Športna Dvorana Brežice, vas vabimo k nakupu vstopnic preko sistema ⬇️ Pohitite in si zagotovite EARLYBIRD vstopnice, ki bodo za najhitrejše na voljo le za 5,00 eur 💪 Vstopnice lahko kupite tudi v trgovini THE-Nutrition Brežice v Intermarketu Brežice. Exactly two months before the beginning of IBFF World Championship, that will take place on October 19th 2019 in Sports Hall Brežice, we are starting our ticket sale ⬇️ Visit and buy an EARLYBIRD ticket for only 5,00 eur‼️The tickets are also available at The-Nutrition Shop Brežice.

Photos from IBFF World Championship Brežice 2019's post

IBFF staff will be accommodated at the Hotel Splavar, located in the immediate vicinity of the sport hall Večnamenska Športna Dvorana Brežice. In addition to comfortable accommodation, they will arrange dinner after the IBFF World Championship Brežice 2019. Osebje IBFF bo nastanjeno v hotelu Splavar, ki se nahaja v neposredni bližini športne dvorane. Poleg udobne namestitve bodo poskrbeli tudi za pogostitev po svetovnem prvenstvu.

Photos from IBFF World Championship Brežice 2019's post

For comfortable and safe transfers of competitors who will take part in the IBFF World Championship Brežice 2019, this year (as last year) will be provided by Avtohiša Radanovič Brežice! Za udobne in varne transferje tekmovalcev, ki se bodo udeležili IBFF World Championship Brežice 2019 bo, tudi letos, ( tako kot lani ), poskrbljeno s strani Avtohiša Radanovič Brežice !

Vehicles VW / Vozila VW

For comfortable and safe transfers of competitors who will take part in the IBFF World Championship Brežice 2019, this year (as last year) will be provided by Avtohiša Radanovič Brežice! Za udobne in varne transferje tekmovalcev, ki se bodo udeležili IBFF World Championship Brežice 2019 bo, tudi letos, ( tako kot lani ), poskrbljeno s strani Avtohiša Radanovič Brežice !

Vehicles VW / Vozila VW

IBFF World Championship Brežice 2019

Participants of the IBFF World Championship Brežice 2019 will be accommodated in Čatežke Spa where, besides the large selection of swimming pools, there is also plenty of room for walking and relaxation.

IBFF World Championship Brežice 2019

IBFF world championship Brežice 2019

We are happy to inform you that the IBFF World Championship Brežice 2019 REGISTRATIONS are officialy OPENED! You can find all the information on the link below ⬇️⬇️⬇️ Register yourself & your team and become part of the biggest fitness and bodybuilding event TODAY 💪 IBFF federation Ibff Slovenia IBFF IBFF Poland Ibff Italia IBFF - Italian Boxing&Fitness Federation IBFF Africa IBFF FIT KIDS Slovenia IBFF FIT Kids Bulgaria IBFF Hungary IBFF,haryana GlobalIBFF Spain Ibff France Ibff Croatia Duško Madžarović Tomaž Potočan Mitja Petan Osebni Trener

Our main “man with the plan” Mitja Petan has just won 1st place at IBFF Slovenia OPEN 2019 💪💪💪 Congrats to our national champion in category Mr. Phisique Tall 👍 And big thanks to Avtohiša Radanovič Brežice for driving him to Lovrenc na Pohorju in style 😎 #ibff #sloveniaopen

Our main “man with the plan” Mitja Petan has just won 1st place at IBFF Slovenia OPEN 2019 💪💪💪 Congrats to our national champion in category Mr. Phisique Tall 👍

And big thanks to Avtohiša Radanovič Brežice for driving him to Lovrenc na Pohorju in style 😎


Photos from IBFF World Championship Brežice 2019's post

Participants of the IBFF World Championship Brežice 2019 will be accommodated in Čatežke Spa where, besides the large selection of swimming pools, there is also plenty of room for walking and relaxation. Udeleženci IBFF World Championship Brežice 2019 bodo tudi letos nastanjeni v Termah Čatež, kjer je na voljo, poleg velike izbere bazenov, tudi veliko prostora za sprehod in sprostitev.

Photos from IBFF World Championship Brežice 2019's post

We present you Alexsia Kokolo. She is from Croatia and she won last year title world champion miss fitness model tall.

We present you Alexsia Kokolo. She is from Croatia and she won last year title world champion miss fitness model tall.


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