Marmel Logistika
In MarMel Logistika we take care of all aspects of the transport, regardless of whether you are a transport company or a customer – a recipient or a sender
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Draga naša zaenkrat še sedanja, jutri pa že bivša sodelavka Milanka, hvala ti za vse preživete lepe trenutke v našem kolektivu...Želimo ti vso srečo na tvoji novi poti...Pogrešali bomo tvoje kozlarije, pogrešali bomo tvoj nasmeh, pogrešali bomo TEBE! NAJ TI BO SREČNO! Our dear yet present , and tomorrow already a former colleague Milanka, thank you for all the beautiful moments spent in our team ... We wish you good luck on your new path ... We will miss your jokes , we will miss your smile , we will miss YOU ! Wish you the best of luck!!
Photos from Marmel Logistika's post
Team Marmel Logistike pri dopoldanskem počitku, predpriprave za pošiljko barvastih jajčk za Španijo.. :) :)