Alpe Šport Vančar
Dobrodošli v dolini doživetij. Welcome to Valley Adventure. BOVEC is a major European tourist hub for water sports. ALPE ŠPORT VANČAR že več kot 20 let varno vodi obiskovalce na razigrane brzice reke Soče. Mi priskrbimo vso potrebno opremo in strokovno usposobljenega vodnika za varno in prijetno plovbo.
Obiskovalci lahko odločajo za KAJAK šole in izlete, spust z gumenjakom (znameniti RAFTING na Soči) in REČNI BOB. Vse bolj priljubljen je tudi KANJONING, pustolovsko raziskovanje sotesk in tolmunov.
SKOK S PADALOM je skok v neznano, skok v nov svet. Ko se odločite za skok, ste pripravljeni na popolnoma novo, nepozabno doživetje. Alpe šport Vančar vas vabi na polet v dvoje – JADRALNO PADALSTVO V TANDEMU. Doživeli boste najbolj pristne občutke letenja, brez kabine in hrupa, z vami bo le piš vetra visoko nad tlemi. Od 30 do 60 minut uživanja v zraku. Nepozaben.
Bovec je eden izmed najlepših POHODNIŠKIH destinaciji.
KOLESARSKE POTI različnih težavnostnih stopenj so speljane ob najlepših kotičkih Julijskih Alp (potrebno kolesarsko opremo si lahko izposodite pri nas). Vaš program kolesarsko učne poti lahko pripravili skupaj.
Vabimo vas, da si ogledate kaj vse vam ponujamo in kontaktirajte z nami, če si želite aktivno popestriti vaš prosti čas.
ALPE ŠPORT VANČAR is one of the longest established sports company with over 20 years of experience in organising water activities and ensuring the safety of visitors. We will provide the necessary equipment and a qualified guide to ensure that you have a safe and pleasant trip.
You can choose a KAYAKING course or trip, the famous RAFTING on the Soča River, and HYDROSPEED (riverboarding). Another activity gaining in popularity is CANYONING, the adrenaline-filled exploration of gorges and pools.
PARACHUTE JUMP is a jump into the unknown , jump into a new world. When you decide to jump, are you ready for a brand new , unforgettable experience. Alpe Šport Vančar invites you to fly for two - TANDEM PARAGLIDING. You will experience the most authentic feeling of flying without cab noise, you will only wind noise high above the ground. From 30 to 60 minutes of use in the air. Memorable.
Bovec is also one of the most beautiful HIKING destinations.
CYCLING routes of varying levels of difficulty lead through the most beautiful corners in the Julian Alps (we can provide all the necessary cycling equipment for you). We can plan your cycling-educative path programme together.
We invite you to check out our offer and contact us if you want to actively spend your free time with different types of entertainment.
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