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2in1. Smart solution

VPD, BLED, d.o.o., Bled, Slovenia
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SVETOVNI DAN DIABETESA 14.11.2017 / WORLD DIABETES DAY 14th of NOVEMBER Letošnja tema svetovnega dneva za diabetes je »ženske in diabetes« • Ena od sedmih rojstev je povezano z gestacijskim diabetesom • Svetovno združenje za diabetes ocenjuje, da je bila v letu 2015 pri 20,9 milijonov ali 16,2 odstotka rojstev otrok pri materah prisotna nosečniška hiperglikemija. • Polovica žensk z nosečniškim diabetesom v obdobju pet do deset let po rojstvu zboli za diabetesom tipa 2. • Polovica vseh primerov nosečniške hiperglikemije se pojavi pri ženskah , starih pod 30 let. • Do 70% primerov diabetesa bi lahko preprečili z uvedbo zdravega življenjskega stila. • Okrog 70% prezgodnjih smrti med odraslimi je v največji meri povezano z življenjskim stilom, pridobljenim med odraščanjem. Diabetes v številkah: • 108 milijonov ljudi na svetu leta 1980 • 422 milijonov ljudi na svetu 2016 • 640 milijonov odraslih ljudi z diabetesom do leta 2040 • Globalna razširjenost diabetesa med starejšimi od 18 leta VIR: World Diabetes Day World Diabetes Day is the world’s largest diabetes awareness campaign reaching a global audience of over 1 billion people in more than 160 countries. The campaign draws attention to issues of paramount importance to the diabetes world and keeps diabetes firmly in the public and political spotlight. World Diabetes Day was created in 1991 by IDF and the World Health Organization in response to growing concerns about the escalating health threat posed by diabetes. World Diabetes Day became an official United Nations Day in 2006 with the passage of United Nation Resolution 61/225. The World Diabetes Day campaign aims to: Be the platform to promote IDF advocacy efforts throughout the year. Be the global driver to promote the importance of taking coordinated and concerted actions to confront diabetes as a critical global health issue. The campaign is represented by a blue circle logo that was adopted in 2007 after the passage of the UN Resolution on diabetes. The blue circle is the global symbol for diabetes awareness. It signifies the unity of the global diabetes community in response to the diabetes epidemic.

OUR NEXT EVENT: MEDICA 2017 Visit us HALL 3A /3A E55. Welcome :-) #2in1smartsolution #vpd #medica2017

#easd2017 #vpd #2in1smartsolutions

Visit us in Lisbon😉 #easd2017 #smartsolutions #vpd #inrange

Visit us :-) EASD LISBON 11.-15.9.2017

"DIABETIK SODOBNEGA ČASA" . Predavanje za strokovni kader :-) 22.6.2017 ob 17h ( prijave na

#2in1max #newonthemarket #singlepackteststrips

Upgrade of software for 2in1. systems NEW APP FOR : *2in1.MICRO *2in1.SMART New test strips :-) New technology. Your upgraded monitor can be used exclusively with the new 2in1. test strips which base on advanced technology and reagent composition. New test strips will be available from February 2017 and the previous type of strips will no longer be available. A mark on test strips labelling will warn you about the modification.

Wellcome to our stand in Arab health. Z7-M15 ☀️😄

See you in ARAB HEALTH in Dubai from 30th of January - 2nd February 2017.

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