Bled Castle
According to written sources Bled Castle is the oldest castle in Slovenia, first mentioned in a 1011 donation deed as castellum Veldes. Perched atop a steep cliff rising 130 metres above the glacial Lake Bled is a symbol of Bled and Slovenia – Bled Castle. The image of the castle forming a dramatic backdrop to the romantic island and the church on it has earned the resort worldwide recognition through the centuries. Castle terraces offer spectacular views of the lake and the island, down the Dežela area with Lesce and Radovljica and over to the mountain ranges of the Karavanke and the Julian Alps.
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Opening Hours
- ponedeljek
- 08:00 - 21:00
- torek
- 08:00 - 21:00
- sreda
- 08:00 - 21:00
- četrtek
- 08:00 - 21:00
- petek
- 08:00 - 21:00
- sobota
- 08:00 - 21:00
- nedelja
- 08:00 - 21:00
facebook.comLake Bled in Slovenia: Top things to do and see
An in-depth description on what Bled area has to offer. A must read blog post by Austrian travelers aliased Sommertage. 👇
When in Rome, oops, Bled, then make sure to try famous Bled Cream Cake 🍰
Photos from Bled Castle's post
⚔️ Gašper Vitez Lamergar se te dni mudijo na Renesansni festival Koprivnica - Renaissance festival na Hrvaškem 🇭🇷, kjer si ogledujejo srednjeveške mučilne naprave. 🏹🗡🔮🛁 ⚰️
Perfect location for a Bled Selfie 🤳
After two performances at Festival Okarina Bled (2014 and 2018) world famous Welsh-born harfist became intrigued by our beauty. Catrin Finch with her family is having some quality time on our castle. 🏰
🚧 [obnavljamo za vas] 🏗 Urejamo spodnjo teraso, ki bo namenjena različnim aktivnostim in prireditvam. 🏰 ⚔️
Another one for Disney screenplay 🌙🏰
Bled Castle's cover photo
Festival Okarina Bled
LarkinPoe visited our castle 😮 And rumour has it they loved it. They performed yesterday at #FestivalOkarina and Bled Slovenia loved it ♥️
Festival Okarina Bled
We are happy to welcome these amazing musicians and see them enjoying their time at our castle. 🏰 Thank you, MarKus and Shahzad Santoo Khan 🙏
Po uspešnih dveh koncertih na Blejskem gradu vas, drage obiskovalke in dragi obiskovalci, v naslednjih dneh vabimo na jezersko promenado, kjer nas čaka še 10 koncertov #FestivalOkarina • After two very successful concerts at the Bled Castle, you are kindly invited to the following 10 concerts at the lakeside promenade. Festival Okarina Bled
Grupa Legende Official je že našpičena! 🤩 • It’s getting hot! 🤩