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Last night ❤️🤡🎉🎊🎈
What goes best with a cup od coffee? Another cup.
The newest thing in Red'n Black Bar Bled. We care about our guests, friends and family and their breakfast, so PORRIDGE seems like a perfect idea! Welcome!😍❤️
Instagram post by Red'n Black Bled • May 16, 2017 at 6:47pm UTC
What an amazing day! ☀️
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Cream cake, characterized by delicate puff pastry atop layers of light vanilla cream and custard, is a dish that you have to try if you are visiting Bled. It taste amazing, come and try original "kremšnita" in Red'n Black bar.🍰☀️💛
PIVOVARNA NA DRVA: Crazy Duck Brewery
Now all 4 flavors available in Red'n Black. It tastes amazing!🍺
Crazy Duck Brewery
Red' n' Black
Red' n' Black's cover photo