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facebook.comPrva faza vaškega parka v Orehovljah lepo napreduje. First phase of Orehovlje Village Park is coming along nicely.
Great to see comments like this on Oi Manawa:
V Orehovljah so se začela gradbena dela za skupni vaški prostor - park v središču vasi. Work has started in Orehovlje, Slovenia on central village place.
Vesel Božič!
Canterbury Earthquake National Memorial wins The Illuminating Engineering Society of Australia and New Zealand lighting awards for GHD electrical engineering team! A Dark Sky Excellence Award from the Astronomical Society and a Commendation Award from the Illumination Engineering Society.
Oi Manawa - Canterbury Earthquake National Memorial wins Canterbury Civil Contractors New Zealand (CCNZ) Award 2017 in the $5m and over category for its contractor Brian Perry Civil!
Oi Manawa - Canterbury Earthquake National Memorial has received 2017 NZ Property Council Southern Excellence award for Urban Design and the overall Supreme award.
Oi Manawa - Canterbury Earthquake National Memorial has just won this year's Property Council New Zealand's Southern Excellence Award!
Evening sun reflections on Oi Manawa in the footage by Peter Givenbless: More about the project:
Zelo zanimiv nov projekt, hiša v Velikih Žabljah, ki združuje obstoječo staro kamnito hišo z novim v novo celoto. Nova hiša je zgrajena okrog stare. Stara hiša postane osrednji prostor, dvorišče nove hiše. Zunanjost postane notranjost in notranjost postane zunanjost. Working on very interesting project, House in Velike Žablje, Slovenia, that combines existing old stone house with new structures in a new whole. New house is build around the old one. Old house becomes the central room, courtyard of the new house. Outside becomes inside and inside becomes outside.