Vila Čira Čara - Zavod Manipura
Zavod Manipura is a Slovene NGO for children,youth and family work.
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Tik pred počitnicami nas je obiskal 4. razred OŠ Begunje. Skupaj smo preživeli zelo prijetno dopoldne ter uživali v vonju in okusu sveže pečenih piškotov:
Novoletne počitnice v Vili Čira Čara so bile mega! Otroci so uživali v igri in ustvarjanju, ta veliki pa ob otroškem veselju :) Pri izvedbi so nam pomagali EVS prostovoljci iz projekta "Multi-culti life skills lab", financiranega v okviru programa Erasmus+.
Se vidimo v sredo :)
Mi že odštevamo :)
Čestitke vsem našim sodelavcem, prostovoljcem in partnerskim organizacijam za odlično delo! V tem projektu smo v okviru pošiljajočih EVS aktivnosti sodelovali s Pumo Radovljica in Centrom Janeza Levca Ljubljana.
Danes vam predstavljamo našega dolgoročnega EVS prostovoljca iz Albanije, Uka Florjana. Florjan je udeleženec EVS projekta "Multi-culti life skills lab", financiranega s strani programa Erasmus+. "My name is Flori. I come from Albania and I have been doing my EVS programme in Slovenia for the last 6 months. My headquarters are in the organization ZAVOD MANIPURA in Begunje na Gorenjskem. Life in Slovenia is perfect. I would like to stay and to be here. In the house where I am living, we are constantly sharing the space with other volunteers from different European countries. There are and have been volunteers from Finland, Georgia, Italy, France and many more, all living in a harmony. I have been working on a lot of small and bigger projects. I'm also taking an active part in the activities with children. They make my day crazy beautiful. We make games together, encourage them to be independant and enjoy in free play, under the mentorship supervision, I observe and play with them. Seems like they are very happy to come and visit us. I also prepare interucultural evenings and sports activities, learn regularly in the field of practical work, such as woodcraft, taking care of animals, house maintenance etc. My work is a combination of work in Begunje with Zavod Manipura and a Youth Organization from Radovljica called PUMO (Projektno učenje mladih odraslih). I have been working in this organization for many months now and I am trying to let my foot print there. A good impression and a trace, so they can remember me for good in the future. Youngsters here are from 16 to 20 years old. Even though these youngsters are persons with fewer opportunities, they are not so different than others. They are trying to learn new things everyday and they are very happy with each other. My job is to facilitate the activities with them and to enjoy free time together. I already organized smaller projects such as intercultural workshops and presentations about my country, historical workshops and the most important for me, because I enjoy the most in it, are the cooking workshops. I am running cooking workshops once a week. They ask me to cook some traditional albanian food and different deserts and we do it together. I think that we are doing very well in this process, everyone's cooperating and the learning process is very visible. Youngsters are very happy about the food and we cant wait for Thursdays to cook again. The very special thing of this workshop is touching the confrontation of different cultures. They are learning about Albanian culture and I am learning about the Slovenian one. I believe the intercultural learning is very valuable for all of us, not just through cooking where are stomachs are also happy and full. I'm looking forward to participate in even more projects in the different fields, having one goal in my mind and that is to learn Slovenian fluently. Well, they say I'm already good at it!" Florian Shuka Volunteer from Albania Zavod Manipura
5. razred OŠ Begunje na obisku v Vili Čira Čara - malo ustvarjanja, malo rokodelstva ter veliko piškotov in igre :)
V Vili Čira Čara smo se danes igrali in navdušeno ustvarjali z otroki iz skupine čebelic vrtca Begunje. Se že veselimo naslednjega srečanja!





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