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Pr. Trlej is situated in the most northwestern part of Slovenia near the The Triglav National Park. This National Park is a true paradise, characterised by beautiful mountain valley's, high mountainpeaks, mountain lakes and rivers, waterfalls, castles and
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Kot po tradiciji bo Planica od 17. do 20. marca 2016 gostila FIS Finale svetovnega pokala v smučarskih skokih. Najboljši in najbolj pogumni smučarji skakalci bodo tekmovali v dveh posamičnih in eni ekipni preizkušnji in sicer na prenovljeni letalnici bratov Gorišek, kjer smo v letu 2015 videli 50 poletov nad 220 metrov, povprečen polet pa je bil dolg 209.5 metra. Poleti, ki jemljejo dih in najglasnejši navijači, so zagotovilo za vsem znano in odlično vzdušje v dolini pod Poncami, ki jo vsako leto obišče več deset tisoč ljudi. Srditi boji za veliki kristalni globus, bogat spremljevalni program, edinstvena tradicija prizorišča in navdušeni vzkliki obiskovalcev iz vseh koncev sveta obljubljajo še en spektakel v Planici.
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SJ WC Bischofshofen 2016 - Competition Ski Jumping World Cup Bischofshofen, Austria - Competition Peter Prevc won the 64th 4-Hills-Tournament. In a final event in Bischofshofen on an extremely high level, Prevc took his biggest success so far with jumps on 139 m and 142.5 m and 297.3 points. This was his third win during this season's 4-Hills. Severin Freund and Michael Hayboeck came in second and third in today's competition and in the overall ranking. Peter Prevc said to German TV station ARD: "I was nervous, very nervous. I didn't sleep for three days. But now I'm relaxed and very happy. I think that I won't sleep much tonight either, because we will be celebrating." Freund crowns strong 4-Hills Severin Freund could turn the fight for the overall title around, but with jumps on 136 m and 141 m and 290.5 m he achieved his fourth podium result in this 4-Hills-Tournament. The overall World Cup winner said to ARD: "A lot worked really well for me and it was extremely fun with four podium finishes. I think I did a lot right. I enjoyed this 4-Hills-Tournament and now I might be even more motivated for the future." Michael Hayboeck took the third place for the Austrians, who won the last seven 4-Hills-Tournaments in a row, with 134 m and 139 m and 282.6 points. Hayboeck said on Austrian TV: "I had to fight hard for this third place. There was a TV up at the start and I saw how far Kenneth jumped. So it was great when I was able to fly over this green line. I'm more than happy with this 4-Hills-Tournament. If somebody would have told me this before I would have accepted it right away. Peter was incredible." Positive ending for Kraft The fourth place went to defending champion Stefan Kraft with 136 m and 138 m and 278.0 points. Kenneth Gangnes lost the fight for the third place against Michael Hayboeck. He scored 273.3 points with his jumps on 131.5 m and 137 m and finished fifth in Bischofshofen. The Norwegian said: "I'm really disappointed today. I made a mistake in the first round and this cost me the podium. All in all this 4-Hills-Tournament was fantastic. I will have great memories of it." Domen Prevc played his part in the "Prevc-Festival" with his sixth place and 265.1 points, Johann Andre Forfang came in seventh with 256.2 points. Ammann overcomes "Bischofshofen-trauma" Simon Ammann made peace today with the Paul-Ausserleitner-hill. After the Swiss had a serious fall in Bischofshofen last year, he finished on a good eighth place this time with 255.7 points. Noriaki Kasai (254.8 points) and Daiki Ito (251.2 points) were ninth and tenth. Richard Freitag, Andreas Wellinger and Andreas Wank ended the successful 4-Hills-Tournament for the German team with the places 11, 15 and 16. Jakub Janda and Roman Koudelka confirmed the good performances of the Czech team between Oberstdorf and Bischofshofen and were 12th and 14th. Andreas Stjernen completed a once again strong result of the Norwegians in 13th. Descombes happy again Vincent Descombes Sevoie also had a reason to celebrate again, he tied for 16th with Andreas Wank. For Jurij Tepes the 4-Hills-Tournament ended with a 22nd place. Once again it was not a good days for Poland. Stefan Hula, Maciej Kot and Andrzej Stekala scored points in 24th, 28th and 30th, Kamil Stoch failed to qualify for the final round. Peter Prevc the clear winner Peter Prevc won the 4-Hills-Tournament with a total of 1139.4 points, ahead of Severin Freund with 1112.9 points. 31.3 points behind, Michael Hayboeck came in third. Kenneth Gangnes missed the podium by 8.3 points. Stefan Kraft came in fifth, close ahead of Johann Andre Forfang. Noriaki Kasai finished seventh, ahead of Anders Fannemel. Richard Freitag and Andreas Wank completed the Top 10. Vincent Descombes Sevoie finished on a very good 16th place, behind Andreas Wellinger, Daiki Ito, Roman Koudelka and Andreas Stjernen. Simon Ammann was eleventh. 4-Hills-Tournament winner Peter Prevc also still clearly leads the overall World Cup. With 924 points he is already 205 points ahead of Severin Freund. Kenneth Gangnes is third with 595 points. In the Nation's Cup, Germany leads ahead of Norway and Slovenia. After a travel and rest day on Thursday, the World Cup continues already on Friday with the qualification in Willingen.