Wine bar & shop Faladur
Faladur - Vinski bar in vinoteka
Faladur - Local Gourmet shop & Winebar
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Opening Hours
- ponedeljek
- 10:00 - 18:00
- torek
- 10:00 - 18:00
- sreda
- 10:00 - 18:00
- četrtek
- 10:00 - 22:00
- petek
- 10:00 - 22:00
- sobota
- 09:00 - 14:00
facebook.comdanes še zadnjič v letošnji zimi BOŽANSKA REBRCA...NE ZAMUDITE :) ob kozarčku rujnega in je takoj bolj toplo ;)
jutri ponovno BOŽANSKA REBRCA :) k bodo tako zelo BOGOVSKA, da bo odneslo zimo PROČČČ!!! :P lepo vabljeni ;)
V četrtek spet rebrc’ca. Povejte naprej da ne bo kdu rjku d ni vejdu ;)
Na prvi pomladni dan (ki kot kaže ne bo prav nič pomladen) se vračajo dolgo pečena slastna rebrca v domačih žemljicah. Dober tek!
Chinadog or Vipava valley hot dog is on the menu today! Welcome.
New week, new wine review! Štokelj pinela sparkling brut 2015 Pinela is a local variety from Vipava valley which is as a still wine very exciting wine. Fruity nose with hints of flowers and hay. It is usually low on alcohol with a bit higher acidity which makes is good for apetizers and summer wine and because of that also a big opportunity for sparkling wine. It is grown on southern hills of Vipava valley on not more that 50 hectares total. Truly boutique and unique wine. This sparkling from Štokelj winery is produced by traditional method from 100% pinela grapes. Gentle golden hues tells us that the wine is still very young. Bubbles are big and there are many of them. Nose is very elegant fruity with hints of bread crust. Because this sparkling is young, fruity notes and freshness is in front. So taste is very lively, juicy and a bit sour. To bad that they didn’t wait for a bit with leaving it on the lees. It would be much more developed, but If you are a fan of fresh and fruity sparkling this is it! Tasters notes: It was not very often to find sparkling pinela in Vipava valley in the past, but times are changing and winemakers are starting to realize that it has great potential for making it sparks. Štokelj is definitely one of the best examples at the moment. Score: 91/100 Rareness: + Fresh and vibrant: +/- Price: 19,50€ @faladur Also available in a wine selection pack for Februar on Vinoteka na kolesih Faladur Check on Facebook for more info, or write an email on or call +386 40 232 987. #vipavavalley #faladur #winereview #slovenianwine #wine #critic #winebox #faladuronwheels #pinela #stokelj Posestvo ŠTOKELJ
Skrivnosti najboljše jote so v surovini. Kaj je repa tropinka? Kako jo pripravimo in še več. Mi jo v naši joti vedno uporabljamo. Ste jo že poskusili?
50 shades of pinot noir. Tasting @tilia_estate selected Vipava valley Pinot noirs. @primozlavrencic @marko_bencina @pasji_rep_wines #pinotnoir #cru #vipavavalley #slovenianwines #faladur
10 faladurjevih dvojckov 😁 za 1os. Tako malo za zravn vincka 😉
Danes smo z vami do 22h. Vabljeni na odlične narezke pripravljene izključno z vipavskih mesnin in sirov.
New week. New wine review. Guerila zelen 2016 From a biodynamic estate Guerila we regularly taste amazing wines. Their portfolio is based on local varieties and traditional winemaking. Being one of the best known #biodynamic producers of #slovenianwine we didnt expect less. If you already came across #zelen you know this is a indigenous variety from Vipava valley that it is quite easy going wine. Low to medium alcohol with lots of fruity, herbal notes on the nose and not to much soury taste. Guerila zelen has undergone spontaneus fermentation and at least 8 month maturation on the lees. It has a rich bouquet of flavours. In front there are mediteranian spices like sage and thyme with also lots of floral notes and some mediteranean fruits like lemon. Due to quite low acidity and long batonage taste is smooth and complex where feels from the smell return. Overall a great very varietal and traditional zelen from @vipavavalley_official Tasters notes: in Vipava valley there are many zelen producers. Many of them good or great but if you are looking for something outstanding this has now the most value. Score: 94/100 + originality. + varietal. + value. Price: 12,20€ Wine bar & shop Faladur @martin_gruzovin #vipavavalley #faladur #winereview #slovenia #local #wine
Danes bo Faladur predčasno zaprt zaradi izobraževanja. Obiščete nas lahko do 18:00. Hvala za razumevanje.
Hitro na en China 🌭 preden zmanjka torkov! 😜🎄 #PELICON #craftbeer #beer #ajdovscina #visitajdovscina #slovenia #brewing #brewer #brewerylife #instabeer #beerstagram #craft #drinklocal

Our giant Christmas tree ;) #corks #faladur #christmastree #christmas #decoration #wine #winebar

Tasting of biodynamic wines from Tuscany's famous wine cellar Duemani. Today @ 7pm #faladur #tasting #winetasting #duemani #biodynamic #wine #tuscany

Hvala strokovnjakom iz Thonhauserja za današnje predavanje o čistoči od pivovarne do kozarca. Zdaj bo točen #Pelicon še boljši! 👌🏻😉 Hvala Faladurju za prostor, ter vsem pivovarjem in strankam, ki so prišli na predavanje. Živel kraft! 💪🏻

Tako izgledata bivša China 🌭 in #Pelicon Enigma. Hvala @faladur! #craftbeer #beer #ajdovscina #visitajdovscina #slovenia #foodie #brewerylife #instabeer #beerstagram #craft #drinklocal

Chinadog is coming back. see you on Tuesday, November 25. #sloveniafood #chinadog #pelicon #faladur #local #vipavavalley #slovenia #taste #sousage #hotdog #wajdusna

Enjoying these early autumn warm days @faladur with everything local. #tasty #vipavavalley #faladur #localfood #winebar #slovenia #top👌 #sloveniafood #prosciutto

We welcome you @faladur with this freshly cought trout carpaccio on rucolla and local olive oil. Welcome to #vipavavalley #wineshop #winebar #local #trout #sloveniafood #faladur #njami

#pelicon i #reservoirdogs in #ajdovščina #tasting #beer #samiswoi #vsco #slovenia #faladur

Local is the best! pršut fro Cigoj farm sheep cheese from Kandus, accacia jelly from Metka homeda bread grom local flour and quail eggs. Come enjoy, relax and expirience #vipavavalley #faladur #foodporn #local #winebar #goodfood #localpeople #lovemywork #prosciutto #cheese #olives #slovenia #sloveniafood #coldcuts #wineshop

Two of our many summer dishes available @ faladur. Trout file on barley risotto with spinach and basil polenta with prosciutto, cracklings and delicious local yogurt. Contact for more delicious dishes and tasting options here: #local #foodie #trout #risotto #vipavavalley #slovenia #delicious #winebar #winetour #tasting #fresh #wow #goodfood #faladur #foodporn #awesome #chef
