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Speak up Serbian Online Workshops - Radionice srpskog jezika

Đure Daničića 91, Smederevo, Serbia



Online workshops hosted by your Serbian teacher Magdalena Petrović.

Claim your first workshop free of charge!

Learn Serbian by talking Serbian The Speak up Serbian Workshops are aimed to make you TALK and have FUN! There are groups for three different levels, from beginners (A1-A2) to intermediate (B1) to advanced speakers (B2+). There are only 4 to 6 participants in each workshop.

My Speak up Serbian Workshops are FREE of charge. However, you CAN reserve your place in the workshops you want to attend and you CAN support my work.

CANCELLATION POLICY: Participating in my Workshops is a privilege. It is crucial to know who will attend. Those who apply and then don't show up OR cancel in less then 48 hours, later on will pay a 7 eur fee to reserve a place in any further workshops I organize.

HOW TO APPLY? You can apply only by communicating directly with me.


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