Jablanovica DOO je prva i jedina firma u Raskoj koja se bavi reciklazom otpadnih auto i teretnih guma kao i ostalog gumenog otpada. Reciklaza guma Srbija. Jablanovica LLC is the first and only factory in Raska, Serbia for recycling of used auto and truck tires and other rubber waste.
The process of the rubber waste recycling is 100 % ecological, there is no detrimental effect for the environment nor does it create any further waste substance. In other words – everything is usable and by production of rubber granulate which is further being re-used we protect the natural resources.
Our goal in the future is to maximally use the available resources through setting up new standards in rubber waste recycling thus completing the whole process of recycling and giving our contribution to sustainable development and protection of the environment.
Reciklaza guma Srbija.
Used Tires Recycling Serbia.
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