The Club
Qyteti: Presheve
Rruga: Zenel Ajdini
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The Club & Friends❤️ Party at the best place in town🌃 + many more surprises! ~ •vetëm me rezervime• ~ #theclub #winterseason #events #holidays #spirit #memories #gift #december #2016 #end #january #new #2017 #cheers #bestplaceintown #people #love #vibes #club #presheva #clubzone
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SATURDAY / 24 DEC Ending this year in the best way! •KORAB SHAQIRI •JAY JAY •DJ TURN ~ •vetëm me rezervime• ~ #theclub #saturday #event #korabshaqiri #holidays #jayjay #djturn #gift #winterseason #december #cheers #bestplaceintown #people #love #vibes #club #presheva #clubzone
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LAST CALL📞!!! The best place in town 🌃 ~ #theclub #lastcall #event #01 #january #holidays #2017 #newyear #gift #besarthalimi #band #djayjay #winterseason #djturn #bestplaceintown #people #love #vibes #club #presheva #clubzone
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LIVE 🍻 Tell a friend we special🌃 THE CLUB and FRIENDS 🍻 ~ #theclub #moments #saturday #event #holidays #spirit #december #winterseason #bestplaceintown #people #love #december #2016 #vibes #club #presheva #clubzone
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Surprizat e fundvitit 🎁 01 JANAR 2017, LOJA SHPËRBLYESE!!! ~ •Swarovski Ring • (2x) •Power Bank • (8x) •Huawei Mobile • (1x) •Samsung Tablet3 • (1x) •Samsung Mobile a3 Gold • (1x) ~ •Fitues mund të jeni përmes nr. personal të biletës tuaj. Tërheqja bëhet 01 Janar 2017 në THE CLUB• ~ The best place in town🌃 ~ #theclub #moments #surprise #gift #lastcall #event #01 #january #2017 #newyear #besarthalimi #band #djayjay #winterseason #djturn #bestplaceintown #people #love #vibes #club #presheva #clubzone
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Tell a friend 🍻 We can burn brighter than the sun! •DJ TURN ~ •vetëm me rezervime• ~ #theclub #saturday #burn #event #djturn #gift #winterseason #december #bestplaceintown #people #love #vibes #club #presheva #clubzone
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LAST CALL OF 2016 !!! Start 2017 at the best place in town! •BESART HALIMI •DJ TURN •JAY JAY ~ •vetëm me rezervime• ~ #theclub #lastcall #event #01 #january #2017 #newyear #gift #besarthalimi #band #djayjay #winterseason #djturn #bestplaceintown #people #love #vibes #club #presheva #clubzone
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Hello December 🍻 Taste the feeling 🎄 ~ The best place in town! ~ #theclub #moments #december #winterseason #bestplaceintown #people #love #december #2016 #vibes #club #presheva #clubzone
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Hello December 🍻 Taste the feeling 🎄 ~ The best place in town! ~ #theclub #moments #december #winterseason #bestplaceintown #people #love #december #2016 #vibes #club #presheva #clubzone
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SONTE🍻 It's the most wonderful time of the year! •JAY JAY 🔥 ~ #theclub #happy #saturday #jayjay #event #gift #winterseason #bestplaceintown #people #love #december #2016 #vibes #club #presheva #clubzone
LAST NIGHT 🌪 The best place in Town🔥 ~ #theclub #flagday #moments #monday #event #28 #buli #gift #band #djayjay #winterseason #djturn #bestplaceintown #people #love #november #2016 #vibes #club #presheva #clubzone