You have an inovative IT business idea, or skills to make one work? Then join Startup Weekend Novi Sad - because 54 hours is all it takes to start it up! How many sleepless nights have you spent pondering the next big thing that will make you millions? How many working hours have you spent trying to work out the concept, but found out you lack some of the important business skills to make a successful business model? Or you are maybe a marketing enthusiast who wants to find developers and designers who will transform your idea into reality?
If you are any, or maybe all of these, then Startup Weekend is a best choice you can make!
Startup weekend Novi Sad brings YOU the opportunity to finally put your inovative ideas to the test! Join many others like yourself in a 54 hour-long business model creation session, and with the help of skilled mentors and coaches finally realize the true potential of your future business.
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Finale počinje.. 🚀
Time to Pitch 🚀
3, 2, 1 polećemo 🚀
Poslovnk inkubator Novi Sad se polako puni! Požuri i zauzmi svoje mesto u prvim redovima ovogodišnjeg Startup Weekenda Novi Sad! :)
Branka Rakić, doktor molekularne biologije, osnivač BiologicsHub-a, stanar Poslovnog inkubatora Novi Sad, i mentor na ovogodišnjem Startup Weekendu Novi Sad. :) Pročitajte ovde o njoj i uverite se da SWNS okuplja samo najbolje! :)
Na ovom SWNS-u vam pomaže fenomenalna grupa ljudi, a danas vam predstavljamo Danijelu Jovičić! :) Kupite kartu na vreme: