Top Local Places

Trcika Novi Sad

Kralja Aleksandra 14, Novi Sad, Serbia



In the centre of Novi Sad, Kralja Aleksandra Street, you will find an old decommissioned tram-car affectionately called " Trčika ", on account of its slow speed when in it's past it was transporting people. Trčika ili kako Novosađani vole da ga zovu Tramvaj, pruža autentični ambijent starogradskog vagon prevoza, prenetog sa točkovima i šinama. Garantujemo prijatnu atmosferu i u bašti i u vagon - baru gde Vam sećanja bude stare fotke i izgled vagona. Ako želite da svoje slobodno vreme provedete u miru bašte uz prijatnu muziku i ljubazno osoblje ili da produžite zadovoljstvo večernjeg izlaska predlažemo Vam da dođete i probate nas.

"In the centre of Novi Sad, Kralja Aleksandra Street, you will find an old decommissioned tram-car affectionately called " Trčika ", on account of its slow speed when in it's past it was transporting people. A person could easily run alongside the " speeding " tram.The tram's route run from Železnička Street, through Sremska and Fruškogorska Streets to the Štrand - Novi Sad's splendid riverside beach. The tram's original interior was converted to a cafe-bar, where you can sit on the benches and bar stools around small tables, listen to cool music and drink anything you desire. " Trčika " was awarded " Tourist Flower " 1st Prize, as the best bar of 2006."
