Konak - Restoran Jovanje
Welcome to Konak - Restaurant Jovanje, Serbian Ethnic Restaurant and Inn - an ideal choice for cozy weekends, extended stays, and professional meetings! ABOUT KONAK – RESTAURANT JOVANJE
Konak-Restaurant Jovanje is conveniently located in Novi Beograd, only 3 kilometers away from the airport Nikola Tesla, and the highway Beograd – Zagreb (E70). The downtown Beograd, and the impressive selection of shopping centers are at the short distance of a couple of kilometers from the Establishment. Because of its exceptional location, a high quality service, and an affordable pricing, Konak-Restoran Jovanje is an ideal choice for cozy weekends, extended stays, or professional meetings, and is an excellent alternative to the expensive Belgrade hotels.
About the Restaurant
Restaurant Jovanje, encompassed by the Establishment Konak – Restoran Jovanje, accommodates up to 100 guests, and offers the experience of the traditional ethnic ambiance, along with a large selection of the specialty dishes and delicacies from the domestic cuisine.
About the Inn
Konak Jovanje is a newly-built inn, added to the Restoran Jovanje in September 2013. Konak Jovanje offers luxuriously furnished rooms to our guests who desire an overnight or an extended stay. Each room’s contemporary styling is made in accord with the overall ethnic motif of Konak-Restoran Jovanje. The rooms, well lit and comfortable, feature cozy French beds and luxurious bedding that are sure to provide our guests with a good night’s rest. Each of the rooms contains an adequate space for storing personal items and clothing, a writing desk with a mirror, a full-size mirror, and a modern LCD television set with a rich array of programing. The rooms are equipped with the central cooling and heating system. Each cozy, illuminated bathroom features a hair dryer. The entry into guest rooms is enabled via magnetic key card, which assures privacy and safety. High speed Wi-Fi internet and a parking lot in front of the Establishment are available to our guests, free of charge.
Konak - Restoran Jovanje nalazi se na Novom Beogradu na samo 3 kilomentra od aerodroma Nikola tesla i auto-puta Beograd – Zagreb. Takodje smo na par kilometara udaljenosti od soping molova kao i centra grada. Konak je otvoren u septembru 2013 godine in nudi lux sobe za smestaj. Sve sobe su savremenog dizajna i odisu stilom, koji je vesto ukrlopljen sa etno motivima celog objekta Konak Restrana Jovanje. Zbog svoje izuzetne lokacije, visokog kvaliteta i pristupacnih cena Konak-Restoran Jovanje je idealan izbor za prijatne vikende, duze boravke ili poslovne sastanke, i odlicna alternativa za skupe hotele u Beogradu.
O Restoranu
Restoran u sklopu objekta je kapaciteta do 100 mesta i nudi domacinsku atmosferu u tradicionalnom etno ambijentu uz veliki izbor specijaliteta domace kuhinje.
O Konaku
Konak Jovanje je otvoren u Septembru 2013, i nudi lux sobe za smestaj. Sve sobe su savremenog dizajna i odisu stilom, koji je vesto oklopljen sa etno motivima celog objekta Konak – Restorana Jovanje. Sobe su svetle i prijatne. Udoban francuski lezaj, prefinjenost i kvalited posteljine i jastuka garantuju prijatan odmor. Svaka soba ima adekvatan prostor za garderobu, pisaci sto, moderan LCD TV sa bogatim programom, ogledalo iznad pisaceg stola, kao i ogledalu za celu figuru. Lepo svetlo i konforno kupatilo, i fen za kosu. Sobe su opremljene klima uredjajima i sistemom grejanja. Ulaz u sobu je magnetnim karticama, sto obezbedjuje sigurnost i privatnost. Gostima su na raspolaganju besplatan parking i Wi-Fi.
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