Serbian Club Culture
Keep dancing, keep believing, keep loving. We will always have the music and each other. No fire or decision can take that away.
Its who we are!
Tell your friends
facebook.comMiroslav Petkovic, B... - Igraj // MONDAY MORNING RECORDS
dance for Monday Morning Records
Runy - Live DJ Set @ Alcazar Bar, Serbia (
the madness of music from Runy
VA Vol.3
some young power out today on Mood 24
Shoxy | Deep Tech Special 097 161208
Shoxy in the mood with this podcast for Deep Tech Amsterdam enjoy!!
01 - Battric & MIVU And Podime - Gorlami
this morning is reserved for Metroline Limited
Vision Room Podcast/Petar Cvetkovic Closing Season
very nice podcast for Vision Room music credit Petar Cvetkovic
Battric & MIVU - Capo EP (CELO 008)
Bomb EP for CELO rec out now!
Mene Regular Original Mix
crazy stuff from Mene
Petar Cvetkovic
Vinyl realase from Petar Cvetkovic on Baile Musik
Battric & MIVU - Decorus
Previews from our dear friends Battric & MIVU on Dreams Are Not Inside
Pozdrav svima, samo malo da razjasnimo zašto smo se pojavili ovde (bez nekog duženja), a to je zbog svih nas, koji želimo da čujemo i vidimo domaće producente koji se bave elektronskom muzikom, tj. underground zvukom na jednom mestu, njihovu muziku, izdanja, remix-e. Jedino što želimo u startu, je da imate razumevanja za nas, bilo kakva kritika ili sugestija je uvek dobrodošla. Trudićemo se da obavljamo sve to što profesionalnije možemo. Veliki pozdrav za sve nas koji smo već u grupi, ali ne sumnjam da će nas uskoro biti mnogo više. :) Keep dancing #SerbianClubCultureCrew
more info soon...