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Elbrus Elevation - Эльбрус Элевэйшн

196 B Golovko office 105 - 196 Б Головко офис 105, Nalchik, Russia
Travel Company



Opening your eyes... to the beauty of the Caucasus through adventure tourism

Открывающий глаза на красоту Кавказа через приключенческий туризм  Elbrus Elevation is an inbound outdoor adventure tour outfitter operating within and around the vicinity of Mt. Elbrus in the Kabardino-Balkaria Republic of Southern Russia.

Эльбрус Элевэйшн - это принимающий туроператор, специализирующийся на экстремальных турах в окружающей среды г. Эльбруса, находящемся в регионе КБР России.


The Range. The Caucasus from Sea to Sea

Here's an in-depth and fascinating documentary film (shot over 2 years) about the Caucasus Mountain Range. The history, diversity and beauty of the cultures and landscapes is incredible. We're proud to be a part of the effort to make this region known and explored! Visit our multi-day tours page to find which mode of exploration would satisfy your itch for adventure -

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Fun picture! Да, the joy of traveling. What's not pictured is the chairlift that brings you to this area. It's found in Nalchik's Central Park aka "Atadjunski Park," where the base of the chairlift starts. The locals refer to the city as the gem of the Caucasus. Photo: James Ju @jameskju

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Poles and Powder Tour

You folks who live where there's only heat and warmth (which is great! For the SUMMER!), or where there's only sand and beaches - why not dream up an adventure of white powder (known as snow) in the Caucasus! Our friends Zachary Ray Galli, Dayton Thurn, Luke Rother, Anna Terlep, Felicia Bender, Megan King, James Ju and Zaur Nashapigov went on our Poles and Powder tour and fell in love with the winter mountains and the local mountain peoples. What did you guys learn from the trip? For me snowboarding > skiing, and all I need is hot chai and lamb kebabs to get me up and down the slopes. Tag your friends for next year!

Poles and Powder Tour

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Dombay, Russia (Karachay-Cherkessia) 2017. We had an absolute blast skiing and snowboarding with our group from Arkansas! Thanks for teaching us the game 'connect' and for genuinely connecting with the locals and culture here in the Caucasus mountains. Awesome job on the slopes! Zachary Ray Galli Dayton Thurn Luke Rother Anna Terlep Felicia Bender Zaur Nashapigov James Ju

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Kung-fu and yoga poses in front of the White House (formally - House of Councils) of Kabardino-Balkaria. Gotta look like tourists when you're a tourist, especially in Russia. Come visit the beautiful city of Nalchik...then check out the mountains that surround it!

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Бег состоится в это воскресенье. Мы хотим поучаствовать. Кто ещё? Присоединяйтесь к нам побегать и с другими!

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Balkar village of El-Tubu. Снято из балкарского села - Эл-тюбю -

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Elbrus Elevation Adventures

We're so happy and honored to introduce a new video produced by Zaur Nashapigov, our director for Elbrus Elevation. He's poured hours into this video and continues to help us in so many ways. It even features his own music! Special thanks also to Yuriy Gelyastanov, Ami Shinahova and James Ju for the wonderful guide and translation service offered during the tours. With this video, we're blessed to have such a cool recap of all the unforgettable moments we've had the past couple of years. Enjoy and please share this video! С огромным удовольствием мы вам представляем наше новое видео, созданное нашим директором Заур Нашапигов. Он столько времени вложил в эту работу и мы очень благодарны и ему и тому, что теперь с этим видео мы можем вместе вспоминать такие незабываемые моменты наших туров последнего года нашей компани. Насладись и поделись этим видео!

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We attract very talented tourists! This young woman did handstands wherever there were backdrops worthy of her awesome gymnastic skills. More to come!

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Rappelling with our new, courageous friends who overcame their fear of heightsю. Way to go Ira! 😌☝ Спуск по веревке с нашими новыми смелыми друзьями, победившими свой страх высоты. Молодец Ира! 😌☝

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This was one of my favorite moments of the tour. Once atop the peak of the mountain pass, we got out of the truck, spotted this huge rock, darted for it, climbed up, then these guys took a good 5 minutes to soak in the mountain air and view of "Mother-in-law's tooth," a peak of about 2,000 meters. We hopped back in the truck and headed that way through the rest of the gorgeous mountain pass. #Баксанскоеущелье #mountainpass #перевал #soakintheview #mountainadventures #природароссии #hiking #поход #backpacking #Outdoorlife #caucasus #natgeocaucasus #natgeoru #aroundtheworld #nature #travel #adventure #приключение #туризм #adventuretourism #traveltheworld #кбр #горниеприключения #adventurouspeople #traveller #instatravel

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During our recent tour we were blessed to have an authentic local meal inside a traditional Balkar home. These beautiful homes once were prevalent on the mountainsides and inhabited by the highlanders of the Caucasus mountains. Each roof served as the front yard for the home above it. Can you imagine the family and general community dynamics with this kind of layout? #highlanders #горцы #mountains #instatravel #russia #adventure #exploretocreate #natgeoru #hiking #caucasus #backpacking

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NEAR Elbrus Elevation - Эльбрус Элевэйшн