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KrioRus — the first Russian cryonics company, founded in 2005 as a project by a non-governmental organization Russian Transhumanist Movement. KrioRus is the only cryonics company in Europe, that possesses its own cryostorage. The company stores bodies of its cryopatients — dead people and animals, in liquid nitrogen, in the hope that someday it will be possible to revive them by means of the emerging technologies of the future. The company offers a service of freezing either the entire patient's body, or just their head. KrioRus cooperates with other cryonics companies of the world, and facilitates placement of patients' bodies in similar storage facilities, situated outside Russia.Legally, the company has the status of a scientific research organization, engaged in a non-mainstream activity, and its services are not subject to certification. One of the problems with KrioRus activity is considered to be the lack of cryonics-related legislation. The company does not guarantee the revivification of its cryopatient.Criticism of company's activity consists of the criticism of cryonics per se: yet there is little scientific proof that supports the theory of reanimation and most mainstream scientists and doctors express great scepticism about the field. In comparison with foreign cryonics companies, and of the fact that KrioRus, as indeed the other cryonics companies, is not always capable of fulfilling contractual obligations.HistoryFirst attempts at creating a Russian cryocompany were undertaken in the 90-ies by a physicist Mikhail Solovyev.Initial motivation of the founding was the desire of its nine founding members to freeze their own bodies as well as the bodies of their loved ones in order to be "resurrected" in future by means of some future medical technologies. Prior to the companys' founding, its prospective staff members have already had some experience in cryopreservation, when in 2003, Igor Artyukhov acted as the chief advisor to a project of preservation of the brain of one deceased biotech scientist.


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