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Fin Time Adventures

Mosquito Pier, Vieques, Puerto Rico
Fishing Store



Snorkeling, Fishing, and Custom Boat Adventures Based in Vieques, Puerto Rico VIEQUES, CULEBRA, AND FLAMENCO BEACH EXCURSIONS

Fin Time Adventures offers exciting snorkeling, fishing, and custom boat charters in Vieques, Puerto Rico. Climb aboard the only vessel in Vieques with regularly scheduled snorkeling trips to Culebra and Flamenco Beach.

- Reef Snorkeling
- Early Bird & Sunset Trips
- Swim with Sea Turtles
- Light Tackle & Bottom Fishing
- Private Charters & Special Occasions


Captain Dave talks about life in Vieques after Hurricane Maria. The island we love and call home still needs our help!

Thank you for the well wishes. Although Fintastic and our crew are fine, it's been over a month now since Hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico and not much has changed. Our little island of Vieques is still without electricity and water. Gas, money, and food are scarce. Many have lost their homes and belongings, including Captain Dave. To make matters worse, the continuous rains and 90 degree temperatures have caused horrible mosquito and rat problems. The people of Vieques, many who are like family, need our help. We have established an Amazon registry where people can purchase high priority items to be sent directly to the grass roots organization on the island (COREFI) which will distribute the items to those most desperately in need. Please click, buy what you can and share. Thank you!

We are truly blessed....Fintastic survived two hurricanes!!! Just a few minor repairs needed. We will be ready before Christmas.

The people of Vieques, Puerto Rico urgently need your help. With no food, water, electricity, fuel, and medicine the situation is becoming desperate and many are suffering. Unfortunately, Vieques is the forgotten island and the only real help is coming from Vieques Love, a group of citizens who have dedicated all their resources and time to help those stuck on Vieques. Please help the people of Vieques by donating today:

WE ARE SAFE! Three simple words, but nothing more powerful or meaningful to hear after a natural disaster. Like so many, the Fin Time team is desperate to hear these simple words from our loved ones stuck in Vieques, Puerto Rico. Fortunately, most of our crew were off island when Maria hit and are safe. We are still waiting on news about our boat Fintastic. We need your help!!!! The beloved island of Vieques has been completely cut off from the world. Hurricane Maria left the little island of 9,000 people with no access to water, food, electricity, communication, fuel, ways to evacuate, and for many shelter. With so many disasters across Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, BVI, Florida, and Texas there is limited aid to assist those in Vieques and they are still waiting for help to arrive. The great citizens of Vieques fortunate enough to be off island during the storm have organized there own relief efforts. Planes have been secured, food and other much needed supplies for survival have been gathered, and plans to reestablish communication are underway. In fact, the first flight with 1,000 pounds of supplies arrived yesterday and on the way out they evacuated a local family needing medical attention. All of these efforts take money. We beg for your support. Please help us get much needed aid to the people of Vieques so the words WE ARE SAFE continue to be heard!!!!!!!! Regarding the GoFundMe page organizer, Kelly Thompson is a highly respected member of the Vieques community and runs the local magazine Vieques Insider. She is someone we completely trust and we can assure you that 100% of the funds will go to help the people of Vieques.

Fintastic is tucked away in Fajardo to ride out Irma. Please stay safe Vieques!

Lots of fun snorkeling and spearfishing today!

45 lb Kingfish today!

Nothing better than catching fish on Father's Day!

Life is good when you get to fish everyday!

Wednesday are the best days to catch fish!

Preparing for tomorrows fishing trip....Alberto setting up a new leader onto braided line.


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