MAPIS - Mapping Intelligent Solutions
Where everything takes Place. MAPIS – Mapping Intelligent Solutions, results from a series of skills in the domains of strategic planning, climatic and public health risks preventions, supported on the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) as an essential tool for dyagnosis, reflection and decision.
MAPIS emerged from the finding of a wide set of needs in articulate, properly, the results of the scientific investigation in applied climatology with the spatial planning, agriculture, urban planning and public health and with environmental impact assessment, to the “territory makers” needs.
All the solutions are anchored in the use of the GIS, as an essential tool, in both diagnostic steps, as in reflection and decision-making. Therefore, GIS, are the main mean of communication for both the survey and mapping in GIS problems, as for the discussion and analysis of hypothesis for the expression of integrated support solutions for governments and companies.
Our company as a systemic view of the reality and demands that the solutions are the most intelligent in order to improve people’s life quality, well being and health, as well as the societies where they live in. In MAPIS you, your company and your city take place.
MAPIS is where everything takes place.
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Empreender na Geografia - RUI PINHEIRO
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O Geomeetup esta a chegar a uma nova cidade... Braga! No dia 9 de Junho vamos estar no edifício da StartupBraga com a abordagem do tema SIG & Território. Juntem -se a nós nesta partilha de conhecimentos envia a tua apresentação para:
No próximo dia 19 de Abril a Mapis vai estar na faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto no evento "Geografia: emprego, investigação e empreendedorismo" organizado pelo CEGOT Inscrevam-se
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A Mapis deseja a todos um boa Páscoa... 🐰
Porto eleito como Melhor Destino Europeu 2017 - Notícias - Portal de notícias do Porto. Ponto.
Uma Foto, Uma História
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A Mapis deseja a todos os amigos facebookianos um bom e feliz natal... 🎅🎄
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Obrigada a todos que participaram no nosso #5 PortoGeoMeetup. Em breve apresentamos mais novidades!
A Mapis espera por ti !