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Porto Design Factory

Avenida António Bernardino de Almeida, Porto, Portugal



Porto Design Factory is an experimental co-creation platform for interdisciplinary education, research and industrial collaboration.


Photos from Porto Design Factory's post

Rui Coutinho was yesterday, at Indústria do Futuro, representing #Portodesignfactory, debating about "The role of Higher Education in supporting innovation in companies". #dfgn #PPORTO

Photos from Porto Design Factory's post

Porto Design Factory

Today, new session of the Multimedia Seminars Cycle. Ricardo Queirós will speak about developing apps for Android. It's at 14h30, it's open and it's free (no registration needed). #Portodesignfactory #PPorto #dfgn #esmae #dai

Porto Design Factory

P.PORTO TV | Porto Design Factory Spring Bootcamp 2016

#Pdfbootcamp 2016, more to come, don't miss your chance next time! #Portodesignfactory #dfgn #PPORTO

Indústria do Futuro

Photos from Porto Design Factory's post

Rui Coutinho is one of the speakers at Indústria do Futuro: Industrial Talk, in Amarante, from 13-15th April. #Portodesignfactory couldn't lose the opportunity to support this event. Don't miss it, totally free now! #dfgn #PPORTO #industriadofuturo

Photos from Porto Design Factory's post

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It has started the big smart cities presentation at #portodesignfactory #bigsmartcities #dfgn #pporto

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It's starting BIG smart cities presentation at #Portodesignfactory come clarify your questions. #PPORTO #dfgn

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Photos from Porto Design Factory's post

Last Friday, students from Politécnico do Porto joined the 1st ever #HEIHack, with students. The objective was to create some immediate, implementable ideas to change the Polytechnic, with 24 hours straight of work. In the end those ideas were presented to the president of P.Porto, Rosário Gambôa. With teamwork and effort, to give always more to #PPORTO, the students had only positive reviews about their work and the president even asked them to keep developing the ideas, to the point those could be implemented, and the P.Porto would help in all the process. #Portodesignfactory would like to thank all the effort of the students and everyone that was present during this 24hours hackathon. #dfgn

Photos from Porto Design Factory's post

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It's already tomorrow, 11th April, the presentation of BIG smart cities powered by Vodafone Portugal & Ericsson at #Portodesignfactory, 5pm. Don't miss this chance to create a successful Startup and win prizes with it! #dfgn #PPORTO

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09h30: after a long night of work and fun, #heihack starts a new day with a very special edition of Breakfast at DF'annys. In the middle of fresh yogurt and orange cake, participants learn more about some of the opportunities included in the gift bag they were offered. #portodesignfactory #pporto #dfgn

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0.3 AM: the mentoring is over!!! A full night of work is in front of the teams, go, go! #pporto #heihack #portodesignfactory #dfgn

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Photos from Porto Design Factory's post

10 PM: #HeiHack is still "young" with "pros" giving a brief lesson about "The Business Model Canvas". The night is still young at #Portodesignfactory #dfgn #PPORTO

Photos from Porto Design Factory's post


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