LaranjaLimão Guest House
Located in the North region of Portugal, Minho, LaranjaLimão offers a peaceful setting in Freixo, a 15 minute-drive from Ponte de Lima. 30000sqm of family orchards (orange, lemon, cherry, chestnut, walnut trees...), oak trees and green meadows are home to Laranja Limão.
This building that has undergone recent makeover using innovative construction techniques and eco friendly materials (cork and wood), is part of an innovation Camp (tool shop, Laranja Limão online/garden store and co working), called Weproductise Lda.
Our guests at Laranja Limão Guest house will also benefit from special prices in the innovative workshops (3D printing, Robotics, CNC router, Arduino...) taking place during their stay.
All rooms were carefully decorated using make over furniture mixed with very simple yet functional elements. All rooms are fitted with private bathroom, windows with garden views, free Wi-Fi and surrounding green areas for relaxed strolls, casual meals, or outdoor sports (volleyball net, table tennis, football, bikes). Guests can also relax by the newly renewed watering tank in the Summer or by the fireplace during the winter.
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VI Festa da Gente Miúda e Feira Infantil Ponte de Lima (NOVA EXPO) Este fim de semana. Mais de 15 insufláveis e imensas actividades para os mais pequenos. Grátis.
Com a reserva de pelo menos 2 noites oferecemos os bilhetes* para toda a família. Oferta válida até as 21h00 de 15/Nov/2017. Con la reserva de al menos 2 noches, te regalamos las entradas* para toda la familia. Oferta válida hasta las 21h del 15/Nov/2017. * A Branca de Neve, 26/Nov pelas 15h30 ou/o 17h30
Que bem se está no LaranjaLimao. Ainda temos 2 quartos disponíveis no próximo final de semana. Que bien se está en la LaranjaLimao GuestHouse. Todavía tenemos 2 habitaciones disponibles el próximo fin de semana
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