Nessy Cruz's Gigs
Services provided:
Banner designs (Covers/Headers, Personalized Banners & Profile Images), Translations PT-ENG/ENG-PT, Photo Retouching/Enhancement. In this page you can see the services I provide online, which are:
- Banner designs: Facebook/Twitter/Youtube Covers; Profile Images; Personalized Banners & Headers for websites/blogs - non-animated.
- Portraits and Photo enhancements and retouching: Colour & exposure correction; Digital enhancement; Reduce/removal of dark circles under eyes; Reduce/removal of wrinkles & lines; Reduce/removal of spots & blemishes; Remove scars, tattoos; Image softening; Change eye colour; Red eye removal; Teeth whitened; Colour to B&W.
- Translations of texts and documents from Portuguese to English and English to Portuguese.
- Creation and Editing of Facebook Business or Personal Fan Pages
- Facebook promotion of pages, websites, videos, etc.
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