Companhia das Conservas
Loja especializada na venda de conservas de pescado.
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If #Carnival is 3 days, the promotion of this week is 3 cans! Take 3 cans of SARDINES SKINLESS AND BONELESS IN OLIVE OIL LEMON & BASIL Briosa Gourmet for the price of two. #CiaConservas #BriosaGourmet #Canned #CannedFish
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#ProductOfTheWeek The quality and excellence of our SARDINES SKINLESS AND BONELESS ON OLIVE OIL WITH LEMON & BASIL Briosa Gourmet promises to surprise even the most demanding taste. Visit us and enjoy the promotion of this week: TAKE 3 and ONLY PAY 2! #CiaConservas #BriosaGourmet #Canned #CannedFish
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Delights and more delights waited for the students of Sendim elementary school, in Matosinhos, after the visit to CPN - Conservas Portugal Norte. #CiaConservas #Canned #CannedFish
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#ProductOfTheWeek The excellence of the Mediterranean diet, can only be the sardine! And more natural is impossible! Visit us and enjoy the promotion of this week: when you buy 2 cans of SARDINES IN BRINE Porthos Vintage, we offer you the 3rd. #CiaConservas #PorthosBrand #Canned #CannedFish
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Love is in the air! <3 Visit us and celebrate this #ValentinesDay with the best flavor in the world! #CiaConservas #BriosaGourmet #CannedFish
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#ProductOfTheWeek Valentine's Day is coming and still don’t know what to do? Serve the SPICED MACKEREL PATÉ Briosa Gourmet, the perfect condiment to further warm the hearts of lovers. Buy 2, RECEIVE 1 MORE AS A GIFT! #CiaConservas #BriosaGourmet #Canned #CannedFish
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The most romantic day of the year is coming! Come to know our suggestions and surprise your other half with the rigth condiments for a perfect day. #CiaConservas #Canned #CannedFish
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Depois da #visita às CPN - Conservas Portugal Norte, os alunos do Jardim-Escola João de Deus, em Matosinhos, visitaram a nossa loja e deliciaram-se com as nossas iguarias. #CiaConservas #Conservas #ConservasdePeixe
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#ProdutoDaSemana Os amantes de picante sabem que o piri-piri acentua o sabor e aquece nos dias frios. E você, já provou as SARDINHAS EM ÓLEO VEGETAL PICANTE Porthos Vintage? Aproveite a promoção desta semana, LEVE 3 e PAGUE 2! #CiaConservas #PorthosBrand #Conservas #ConservasdePeixe
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#ProdutoDaSemana Verdadeiramente saborosos e com inúmeros benefícios para a saúde, os FILETES DE CAVALA EM AZEITE DE OLIVEIRA Briosa Gourmet são a inspiração para uma alimentação saudável, equilibrada e rica em ómega 3. Só esta semana, LEVE 3 e PAGUE 2! #CiaConservas #BriosaGourmet #Conservas #ConservasdePeixe
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#ProdutoDaSemana A fiel companheira da mesa dos portugueses é a protagonista desta semana. Ao comprar 2 latas de SARDINHAS EM AZEITE DE OLIVEIRA Porthos Vintage, a 3ª é por nossa conta! Visite-nos e aproveite a promoção desta semana! #CiaConservas #PorthosBrand #Conservas #ConservasdePeixe
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Após a #visita às CPN - Conservas Portugal Norte, o grupo de estudantes franceses participa agora numa experiência gourmet. #CiaConservas #Conservas #ConservasdePeixe
Estouro de Prémios! O Aniversário é nosso, mas quem ganha é você! #CiaConservas #Conservas #ConservasDePeixe