Calvelex are a garment manufacturer that specialise in high end womenswear. The company is based in Northern Portugal was founded in 1985 Calvelex are a garment manufacturer that specialise in high end womenswear. The company is based in Northern Portugal was founded in 1985 by fourth generation tailors, an excellent reflection of the rich tailoring history in Portugal
Location: Porto, Portugal
Number of factories: 3
Products manufactured: Skirts, Trousers, Shorts, Dresses, Jackets, Coats and Blouses
Production output: 1 million pieces per year
Employees: 700
Operating space: 21,000 sq.m
Experience: 30 years
Longest client: 27 years
Clients: Europe, United States, Asia
Office C, 3-5 Little Somerset House, London. E1 8AH. +44 (0) 207 702 3733.
The foundations to our company are quality, reliability and flexibility
We cater towards the higher end of the market and have a strong focus on technology and continual investment in our factories. In 2015 we have invested 0.5million EUROS in cutting edge technology from GERBER. Our quality assurance is extremely thorough with every garment being tripled QC’d. Combined with our attention to detail and highly skilled workforce we stand out in terms of quality. The best evidence of our quality is our client base
We see this as an essential part of our service. We recognise it can be frustrating for a client when a manufacturer sets expectations they are unable to meet so this is not how we operate. We are open upfront as to what we can achieve and by when and we are transparent throughout the production process with our clients
The longevity of our client relationships, in some cases over 20 year and many over 10 years is a good indicator of our exceptional service and reliability
We understand the importance of being a flexible manufacturer given the way the industry is moving. Our goal is to provide flexibility whether it be making small or large orders or reacting quickly to accommodate our clients needs
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Garantir a instrução das gerações futuras é uma responsabilidade social de todos. É com orgulho que a Calvelex participou na campanha “60 bolsas de estudo para estudantes da Universidade do Minho e da Universidade Católica”, enquadrada na iniciativa “Lions Mission” do Lions Clube de Braga que visa ajudar estudantes carenciados do ensino superior a obterem as suas qualificações.
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Apôs 24h de trabalho árduo, o resultado está à vista! Las Vegas, Calvelex is ready to Rock and Roll! After 24h of hard work, the results are at sight! Las Vegas, Calvelex is ready to Rock and Roll!
Photos from Calvelex's post
EN: Yesterday at Magic - Las Vegas presentation seminar, one of the most important fashion trade fair in the US, we had the chance to introduce Calvelex to an extended audience, sharing our up-to-date video. And, with this the meaning of "Made in Portugal" label, which is a synonym of quality and proficiency to the industry worldwide. We proudly believe that Calvelex has responsibility for this international recognition. -- PT: Ontem no seminário de apresentação da Magic - Las Vegas, uma das maiores feiras do mercado Norte-americano, a Calvelex teve a oportunidade de se apresentar perante uma vasta plateia, divulgando o vídeo de introdução. E com ele, o significado da etiqueta "Made in Portugal" que é um sinónimo irrevogável de qualidade e de competência para a indústria a nível mundial. É com orgulho que acreditamos que a Calvelex tem responsabilidade sobre este reconhecimento além fronteiras.
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Agora vamos montar o Stand da Calvelex na Magic Las Vegas.
Photos from Calvelex's post
Calvelex presente na PREMIÈRE VISION com as tendências- Spring/Summer 2018 Calvelex is present at PREMIÈRE VISION with the newest trends for Spring/Summer 2018
Photos from Calvelex's post
“Last week Calvelex and Riopele hosted a group of students and teachers from Manchester Metropolitan University for a very special lesson! Our guests had the opportunity to watch the whole process from yarn production to garment manufacturing. We were delighted to introduce them to the industry, hoping to see them very soon in fashion business.” - -
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CALVELEX - OFERTAS DE EMPREGO Áreas disponíveis: Costureiras Corte-Cose Brunideiras Preparadoras Modelista Consulte as ofertas através do link:
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“A Calvelex atribuiu um diploma a Filipa Santana pela sua colaboração no departamento de desenvolvimento de produto. Calvelex assign a diploma to Filipa Santana for her collaboration in our product development department.”
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CALVELEX team wishes you Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. In 2017 we promise to keep our perseveration and quality because... . WE ❤ MAKING GARMENTS!
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