Intenational Conference on Illustration and Animation CONFIA is the International Conference on Illustration and Animation at the Polytechnic Institute of Cavado and Ave, organized by the School of Design and connected with the Masters in Illustration and Animation. It is intended to be a pivotal moment in the contemporary discussion of these areas, which have a long tradition and, at the same time, are pioneers in technological innovation. We intend to broadly explore the multidisciplinary space that includes illustration and the animated image, from the construction of the narrative to character development, from art theory to critical reflection on the objects that populate the market and the industry. The conference seeks quality original submissions from artists, the industry and the market as well as from the academic community.
All accepted full papers will be in the conference proceedings (with ISBN).
CONFIA é a conferência internacional em Ilustração e Animação organizada pela Escola Superior de Design do Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave, em conexão com o Mestrado em Ilustração e Animação, e pretende ser um momento charneira na discussão contemporânea sobre estas áreas, inscritas na tradição e pioneiras na inovação tecnológica. Pretendemos a exploração do espaço multidisciplinar que envolve o desenho e a imagem animada de forma ampla. Passando pela construção da narrativa ao desenvolvimento de personagens, da teoria da arte à reflexão crítica dos objetos que povoam o mercado e a indústria. A conferência procura submissões originais, de qualidade, encorajando a participação quer dos artistas, indústria e mercado, quer da comunidade académica.
Todos os trabalhos aceites estarão presentes no livro de resumos da conferência (com ISBN).
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facebook.comRemembering last year! Call for papers for this year's edition open until March 15 :D
We have the great pleasure to announce our first keynote speaker: Hannes Rall (aka Hans-Martin Rall) Hannes Rall is a tenured Associate Professor at the School of Art, Design and Media at Nanyang Technological University Singapore and the Coordinator of the Digital Animation area. He is also a successful director of independent animated short films: His films, primarily animated adaptations of classic literature, have been shown in over 500 film-festivals worldwide and won 60 international awards. His book Animation: From Concept to Production (CRC/Focal) was published in December 2017. Hannes is a member of the advisory board of the book-series Animation: Key Films/Filmmakers and the editorial board of the forthcoming book series Palgrave Animation. He has recently completed a script for an animated feature film adapted from the German national epic Die Nibelungen and is writing the book Adaptation for Animation: Transforming Literature Frame by Frame for Focal/CRC Press for a 2019 publication date.
15 days until the end of the call for papers. get your papers ready!
Are you preparing a paper to submit to CONFIA 2018? The instructions for easychair are on our webpage:
Congratulations Paul Wells! Paul Wells was keynote Speaker at CONFIA 2013 :)
CONFIA is an international conference on Illustration and Animation and this year will be held at Esposende - Portugal from 13 to 15 July 2018. CONFIA is organised by Escola Superior de Design IPCA and every edition publishes (now indexed) conference proceedings. more info at
The Call for papers is open until March 15. The conference will be held in Portugal and the dates and venue will be confirmed on the next few days. A chamada de comunicações está aberta até dia 15 de Março. A conferência será realizada em Portugal e as datas e local da conferência serão anunciados nos próximos dias. more info | mais info:
Good news! The Book of Proceedings for CONFIA 2016 is already included in Clarivate Analytics Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI). The 2013, 2015 and 2017 proceedings are under review awaiting to also be included in CPCI. The book of proceedings for all CONFIA's editions can be downloaded at
the digital version of the proceedings book for the 2017 conference is already available at a versão digital do livro de comunicações de 2017 está já disponível no site da conferência.