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facebook.comINTERVIEW PAULO MERLINI - Design Magazine
If you wanna know more about our way of thinking architecture, check out my personal interview for Design magazine. Hope you'll enjoy it!
PT | Aqui fica um resumo da nossa passagem.por Guadalajara. Muito obrigado a toda a organização do CENTRO MX. Uma experiencia a repetir. EN | Here's a resume of what hapenned in Guadalaja. Thanks to CENTRO MX for the great experience.
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Help us with your vote for our work Mr&MrsWhite store nominated for the ODA´17 award promoted by the internationally renowned architectural platform Archdaily Brasil. Please help us at:
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We're glad to announce we're now on the 15 finalists list of the ODA'17. Please help us to achieve the 1st place.
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Last day for voting!
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(PT) Amigos, estamos NOMEADOS com o nosso projeto MR&MRS WHITE STORE para o PRÉMIO INTERNACIONAL ODA`17, promovido pela prestigiada plataforma de arquitetura ARCHDAILY BRASIL. Podem votar uma vez por dia no mesmo projeto, durante esta semana. E isso iria-nos ajudar muuuuitoooo. PARA VOTAR: Basta clickar no link abaixo, carregar no botao "ELEGER ESTE PROJETO" e eleger o projeto. Ajudem-nos lá a trazer este prémio para Portugal por favor! Muito Obrigado! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (EN) Dear friends, we´re nominated with our project MR&MRS WHITE STORE for the INTERNATIONAL AWARD ODA´17 promoted by the renowned achitectural website ARCHDAILY BRASIL. You can vote once a day, and it would really help us. Please help us to bring this award home. TO VOTE: press the link below, then press "ELEGER ESTE PROJETO" RESULT: Making us happy.;) Thanks!!!
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É com prazer que anunciamos que o nosso projeto MR&MRS WHITE STORE se encontra NOMEADO para o PRÉMIO INTERNACIONAL ODA`17, promovido pela prestigiada plataforma de arquitetura ARCHDAILY BRASIL. O prémio depende da votação do público e é possível votar uma vez por dia, mesmo que na mesma obra. Para votar: 1- inscrevam-se neste link: 2- Votem no projeto: Ajudem-nos a trazer este prémio para Portugal! Muito Obrigado! It´s a pleasure to announce that our project MR&MRS WHITE STORE has been NOMINATED for the INTERNATIONAL AWARD ODA´17 promoted by the world renowned website ARCHDAILY BRASIL. The award depends on your vote, please help us on this one. TO VOTE: 1-REGISTER HERE: 2- VOTE HERE: Thaaaanks!!!
And for the curious ones, here it is our conference at Guadalajara/México. Mano thanks to CENTROmx
Ciclo de conferencias + talleres "CENTRO"
Here we are at te international website Archdaily México. Muchas gracias a los organizadores de CENTROmx por la increible reception. Los esperamos en Portugal.
Hoy en Guadalajara
Soon in Mexico
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PORTO D´ALMA ongoing location: RUA SANTA CATARINA The incredible power of ancient arts. We must revive them as they are deeply instilled on our cultural identity.