Loja de Aeromodelismo, Helimodelismo e Radiocontrol
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facebook.comGeneral Specifications Electronic Specifications Main rotor diameter: 936 mm Main blade length: 420mm Tail rotor diameter: 196 mm Tail blade length: 70 mm Main shaft diameter: 8 mm Tail shaft diameter: 5 mm Weight including electronics: 1200 g (excluding batteries). Kit Includes: 20T motor pulley (other motor pulleys available) 20T tail pulley 420 mm Thunder Bolt main blades 70 mm Carbon tail blades… [ 65 more words ]
Description Multifunction LCD Program Box 1 Working Modes 1.1 Works as an individual device to set the ESC, the value of each parameter is displayed on the LCD screen. 1.2 Works as an USB adapter to link the ESC with a PC to update the firmware of the ESC or set the ESC by HOBBYWING USB LINK SOFTWARE . 1.3 Works as a Lipo battery voltmeter to measure the voltage of the whole battery pack or each cell. [ 454 more words ]
O Puddle Star é um modelo de hidroavião totalmente acrobático, completamente EPP. Ele permitirá que você aproveite dois domínios divertidos ao mesmo tempo: água e ar. Controles de grande porte e potência insano para proporção de peso tornam o avião um excelente 3D e acrobático extremamente ágil. Com os lances discados, por outro lado, esse pode ser seu primeiro avião de hidroavião, com manuseio linear e previsível. [ 45 more words ]
Extra 330 (Superlite) is the result of more than 3 years of refining and development by the indoor aerobatic pioneer and World Air Games competitor Jan Spatny. Oversize controls, the right distribution of fuselage side area and side-to-side thrust vectoring give this model some truly unique abilities. Whip-like snap rolls, tight knife edge loops or any other maneuver you can think of, there is nothing this plane couldn't do. Light 4mm EPP construction gives the model flying qualities on par with the best milled-out Depron planes, with the added advantage of much better durability.
Crack Yak (Superlite) is already the 3rd incarnation of the wildly popular design by the Master Designer Chris Jewett. This one is much lighter and floatier than the other two. This model will feel at home at various fairly small spaces – it´s primary destination is indoors. But now you can safely try new maneuvers without excess fear of hitting the wall, ceiling or floor. [ 51 more words ]
SU-29 Russian was desinged by David Kyjovsky, to meet his need for a highly capable 3D model with no limits, great roll rate and crisp snap rolls, for use in Aeromusical competitions and high energy "fooling around". By popular demand of certain hotshot indoor pilots, the aileron size was increased to the practical maximum. The distinctive motor cowl not only makes the plane look more realistic, it also helps smooth the prop airflow and improves knife edge lift characteristics. [ 38 more words ]
Extra 300L XL is the right 3D model for you, if you believe that 1m wingspan is too small. This plane is very capable and „feels“ like an even bigger plane. It can also handle stronger winds and can be seen better. Outdoor Series: If you prefer bigger models with fully airfoiled wing, you can´t make a mistake with these. Developed by some of the best 3D pilots for a combination of 3D capability and easy, predictable handling.
S-bach XL is the right 3D model for you, if you believe that 1m wingspan is too small. The plane is very capable and „feels“ like an even bigger plane. It can also handle stronger winds and can be seen better. Outdoor Series: If you prefer bigger models with fully airfoiled wing, you can´t make a mistake with these. Developed by some of the best 3D pilots for a combination of 3D capability and easy, predictable handling.
Key Features Wing span: 1000 mm Length: 1020 mm AUW: od 350 g Motor: 100 - 200 W ESC: 10 - 20A Servo: 4 x 9 - 12 g Battery: 650 - 1200 3S Propellers: 9/5
Here comes the EPP Edge 540 model. Those that are familiar with the previous 39” models will appreciate the new hardware and construction including rear tail control push rod assemblies with adjustability and new EPP bracing for easy assembly. While creating a new ground up airframe, the dual aileron servos have now been re-located which creates a plush/clean look. The overall flight envelope has increased greatly giving a sense of unreal control authority. [ 36 more words ]
General Specifications: Main rotor diameter: 1136 mm Main blade length: 500mm Tail blade length: 80 mm Weight including electronics: 1880 g (excluding batteries). 18T motor pulley included
Edge 540 V3 Superlite: Este modelo incrível é o resultado de mais de 3 anos de refinação e desenvolvimento pelo pioneiro acrobático interior e concorrente do World Air Games Jan Spatny. Os controles de grande porte, a distribuição correta da área lateral da fuselagem e a vetorização de impulso lado a lado dão a esse modelo algumas habilidades verdadeiramente únicas. Bobinas tipo snip-like, bordas de borda de faca apertadas ou qualquer outra manobra que você possa pensar, não há nada que este avião não pudesse fazer. [ 34 more words ]