Welcome to the Bristol School! Enjoy learning with us!
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facebook.comSummer and English! Our Summer Courses at Bristol School started today and English is going to be part of our Summer experiences. We're looking forward to it!
Sábado entregámos aos nossos alunos os seus Diplomas da Universidade de Cambridge. 🎉🎈 We are very very proud of our students and teachers! Congratulations! You've got the whole WORLD ahead of you! 😉
Bristol School's Got Talent voltou.🤗 Sabe mais sobre o concurso na secretaria ou junto do teu professor. Participa 👍 Good luck 😉
New Workshop: "Creative Teaching with a Tecnological Twist!"
🍀 Happy Saint Patrick's Day 🍀
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❤ Happy international women's day 💞
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Cursos de Verão em Inglaterra - este ano em Liverpool! Inscrições a decorrer I Grupo Bristol School 2 a 16 de julho "These two weeks were an unforgettable experience and I met a lot of people who became my friends for life"
Bristol School is soooooo proud of you!!!!! 🎶🎸🌟
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New Year, New Beginnings!!! 🎊🎉🎈
christmas magazine 2017 | PDF to Flipbook
Check out our Christmas Magazine!! 🎅 Happy Holidays 🎅
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Happy Thanksgiving!!!
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