Venha connosco, seja bracarense, seja minhoto e apaixone-se pelo nosso Verde...
...tenha um affair!
Come with us, be a bracarense, be a minhoto and fall in love with our Green...
…have an affair!
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From today's wonderful tour!!! #bomjesus #braga #Minho #Portugal #privatetours #guidedtours #sunnyday #culture #history #havinganaffair
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Vinho Verde tastes better with some tastings... or Portuguese culture in one single photo! #Portugal #Minho #quintadesantacristina #vinhoverde #privatetours #tripadvisor #wine #winetour #tasting #havinganaffair
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Coming in... #airport #Porto #Portugal #hadaniceflight #haveanaffair
The Portland of Portugal
#Portugal keeps getting lots of love... When are you coming??? Thank you, The New York Times for the kind words regarding our beautiful country!
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Every new day is a new discovery... Today, we got the chance to bring a brazilian family to relive their portuguese roots. Cada novo dia é uma descoberta... Hoje tivemos a oportunidade de trazer uma família brasileira a revisitar as suas raízes. #Portugal #TrásosMontes #Douro #história #cultura #raizes #privatetour #havinganaffair
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Back in the #Douro We surely missed it already... #Portugal #winetour #privatetour #visitportugal #iloveportugal #havinganaffair
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Go for something new... While visiting something (really) old! #Lamego #monastery #architecture #history #culture #privatetours #guidedtours #havinganaffair
The Tourists' Affairs's cover photo
#Braga #Portugal #visitportugal #euadorobraga #iloveportugal #tripadvisor #privatetours #visitasguiadas #haveanaffair
The Tourists' Affairs's cover photo
The Tourists' Affairs
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No dia de hoje, não podia faltar Bolo-Rei e um "calinhos" dum bom Porto. On a day like today, we wouldn't do it without some "Bolo-Rei" and a glass of a nice Port. #ceiadereis #reis #Portugal #portwine #tradition #culture #gastronomia #cozinhaportuguesa #visitportugal #havinganaffair